Lawn mowing advice

Poll of the Day

The eternal homeowner challenge (outside of rock/etc). If you have neighbors watching you/HOA rules/county rules there really isn't any alternative to taking care of it.

I suppose my advice is don't skimp on the equipment cost. The better gear you find the faster it will go. I have a battery-operated Ego myself: it's environmentally friendly (but not really any different in effort from a gas powered mower).

If you have the space, though, consider buying a (used?) riding mower...even for a "normal sized" yard. Those get the job done QUICK and the cost isn't a big issue in the long run (certainly compared to paying others to do it). Better yet get together with your neighbors if you're building at the same time and buy one together: maybe four of you can agree to trade off on each others' lawns such that you're only actually mowing once per month or so. They're gas users, but they're more efficient than push mowers so they're probably not much different environmentally (and you're further from it so you don't smell nearly so gassy). If your yard is flat and uncomplicated I very much doubt you'll regret it.

My parents have a cabin with a flat 1/3 acreish yard and a riding mower. It seems like a ridiculous thing to own, but it's so nice to whip through the chore and relax that I would buy another one if it ever breaks down. If you can find an electric one these days...better yet.
Pronounced "Whup-pot". Say it. Use it.