ATTN veterans of the US military

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » ATTN veterans of the US military

Deadline is coming up for backpay on benefits linked to the PACT Act.

Covers exposure to burn pits and other hazardous materials (Asbestos, agent orange, etc).

Even if you need time to gather documents/evidence for your claim, make sure you start your claim and save your progress before the deadline. Even if you don't finish submitting the claim, starting one and saving it to be finished later will lock you in to having met the deadline.


and whoever else I don't remember rn
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
Bro you'd better tag Farq too rn I fucking swear
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Why don't you just tell his mom next time you see her lmao
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you
Appreciate it. I meant to do it last night after work but I forgot, as usual.
MeatiestMeatus posted...
Why don't you just tell his mom next time you see her lmao
I don't mix business with pleasure, bro.
What's the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?
A pickpocket snatches your watch.
Poll of the Day » ATTN veterans of the US military