hello friends, how are you?

Poll of the Day

I'm finding myself in a familiarly rough spot. My landord and landlady have been more insufferable lately. It all started when they announced their decision to move houses. They alerted me about five days before the actual move-in date. I didn't have time to find a new place to live. They had insisted that I move in with them to the new house, and this was a pretty surefire way to present this as the best option for me. It was somewhat unscrupulous behavior. It's made slightly worse by the fact that they see me as a substitute son for their estranged son, with whom they had had an argument the July previous. I think that the landlord was aware that he couldn't hurt his own son, as the latter was much physically stronger than he was, which was why the landlord beat his wife to coerce the son into some nonsense. Anyway, that son was the reason why the landlord started house-hunting over a year ago, presumably. That was the start of it.

During the move, they made it clear that they had no respect for me. The landlady had called me useless after I had failed to help her with some furniture-moving task. She and the landlord kept coercing me into moving their things. I hadn't actually promised to do so, nor had they asked my permission; they just kept insisting I help them. This wasn't really my responsibility, but I was forced into it, anyway. It would have been slightly tolerable if the landlady hadn't been screeching at me to move a bit of furniture using my car, and then trying to rearrange the contents of my car in order to do so; never mind the fact that I was already transporting my own things, which she had tossed carelessly aside for her own.

Come post-move, the landlord sort of just stuck a plunger into the sink I was given permission to use, in order to fix a clog. I had recognized the plunger as having come from a common space toilet, and then resolved to never use that sink ever again. It doesn't help that that was the sink I used for cooking my rice.

I would be searching for a new place to live, if not for the fact that the landlord and his wife plan to take a vacation starting from Friday, until some point in September. So now my plans are delayed. It's not like I had many options for housing, though; unfortunately, my income is too low for me to seek housing under what Google reports is a respectable company. In short, these are familiar problems, but in an entirely different environment.
Number VI: Larxene.
The Organization's Not-That-Geezer's-Heart-Tank.