So games workshop is releasing a warhammer box for $140

Poll of the Day

I don't understand how Games Workshop is still in business.

Like... 3D printers are a thing and they're not that expensive anymore. $250 will get you an entry-level resin printer and another ~$100 in accessories and resin will get you everything you need for a nice little setup that you can use to print off minis at pennies on the dollar. I've now printed off entire armies - plural - for both WFB and 40k and I don't think any of them cost more than maybe $60 in resin. That's $60 per army (~100 models of varying sizes), not per model.

That $350 setup cost for a home printer would get you, like, four infantry models and a small vehicle at modern GW prices, so I have no idea why people still continue to fork over money to them. There's free versions of all their rulesets available online (not even talking piracy here - rules/game mechanics aren't subject to copyright, so there have been multiple systems that have just stripped the Warhammer brand/lore out of the products and released online, which is all you need to play the game), so it's not even like you need them for rulebooks.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!