So games workshop is releasing a warhammer box for $140

Poll of the Day

ParanoidObsessive posted...
They scream a lot about how 3D printing is evil and have kind of brainwashed the community into supporting the idea.

It's like how it's incredibly easy to print near-perfect proxy cards for Magic, yet there's a huge push to discourage that because the entire M:tG economy is built on collectability.

I guess I've been out of the GW loop for a long time (I really haven't been to any of their stores or read any of their publications in close to a decade), but I've never run into much pushback on 3D printing in any of the wargaming circles I run in. Exceptions, of course, for those who sell/print straight-up knock-offs of their models (not "looks similar, but is distinct", but actual copies of existing models) - that's piracy and, yeah, is kind of a shit practice. But if you're printing off compatible models that look similar to a GW property but aren't actually infringing on their IP, most people that I've met don't care.

There's a zillion small-to-medium-size modelmaking studios on MyMiniFactory pushing out Warhammer-compliant models that are every bit as gorgeous, if not moreso, than anything GW has ever made and you can get the STL files for a few bucks. I'm just amazed, given GW's price-gouging (and, honestly, mediocre product on the rules front in the last 10-ish years), that they maintain enough of a following to turn a profit.
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