Be suspicious of simple answers

Poll of the Day

BlackScythe0 posted...
A simple answer can be a sign of a simple person, while a person who cannot simply explain a difficult concept probably doesn't understand it.
I can explain all of politics with one word, power. When people say they don't understand or don't care, I tell them it's all about power.

I can expand on ideas, but I always start simple.

"Politics is a struggle for power."
"Politics is the interests of the wealthy fighting for power against the interests of the poor. The wealthy want to keep things the way they are because they simply do not want an environment where their lifestyles could possibly change."

Just keeping that in mind, it's easier to spot lies, and understand how things are working as a whole. A fascist will try to keep someone thinking it's about the Jewish elite enacting some grand conspiracy, or leftist ideas perpetuated by people who are just "well meaning but stupid". But if you keep in mind that it's all about power, you start to see why things like unions are inherently good, why lobbying is bad.

You could reread paragraphs from Karl Marx, but then Jordan Peterson could overwhelm you with a 30 minute essay on how the intolerant left wants your kids to be trans, and your viewer might not be able to tell them apart in terms of legitimacy just because it's so much, and Jordan is able to match you in terms of "sounding smart".