Adblockers are not allowed on Youtube

Poll of the Day

shadowsword87 posted...
I have a feeling YouTube is just testing how much shit they can get away with and how much people will pay.

I've seen people post that YouTube's entirely disabled their video because of their adblocker

There's an incredibly common sales/PR tactic.

Let's say you are selling something to a customer for $10. One day, you raise your price to $100. The customer freaks out, refuses to pay, threatens to stop buying from you forever, etc etc. So you "compromise" and agree to lower your price to $15. The customer agrees because $15 is better than $100, and at least you showed a willingness to listen. The customers win!

...except now you're charging them $5 more than you were before. At the cost of a little bit of bad PR (that will blow over because everyone is a goldfish who can't remember more than 20 minutes ago), and maybe a few customers who actually stopped using your product. But the revenue you lost is easily offset by the revenue you gained. And will continue to gain.

It's not as effective as the "boiling frog" (making small changes over time so people don't notice or complain, and then suddenly you're charging them three times as much and they never realized it). But it's definitely a thing companies have done.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family