Merry Christmas, PotD.

Poll of the Day

Merry Christmas!

Made a vegan apple pie for my sister-in-law law who's coming over for dinner later. My first time cooking something intentionally vegan so I hope it comes out good.

Made homemade peppermint patties and penuche fudge for Christmas treats/dessert

Gave my youngest one of those Guinness record-setting ring-shaped frisbees. Didn't get anything for my older kids but my wife handles that usually. I know they got Legos and action figures and transformers and shit

Got my wife a new vacuum and cookware which sounds mysoginist but that's what she wanted also gave her a card where I promise to pay for our next vacation, either west coast to see my sisters or Ireland to see her family

hbu bud this your first Christmas as a married hombre no? How'd it go
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you