Microsoft lays off 1900 Activision Blizzard and Xbox employees

Poll of the Day

ConfusedTorchic posted...
you came up with the argument that i was pro-layoffs out of literally nothing by attempting to use a if/then to say a implies b. yes, yes you did try and create a strawman argument.

I didn't try to paint you as pro-layoffs. I tried to paint you as being okay with layoffs if you get to play *insert ABK game of choice* on *insert platform of choice* as part of whatever caused the layoffs (more accurately, you painted that picture yourself, I'm just pointing it out). That's a distinct difference: The former means you like layoffs. The latter means you don't necessarily like layoffs, but care more about getting to play video games more cheaply/conveniently than about 1900 people's livelihoods.

Again, this is all outlined in post #44. If you've found flaws in the logic presented there, please point it out so I can correct it.
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