Guy proves BJJ doesn't work by not cooperating

Poll of the Day

streamofthesky posted...
just made the other guy feel pretty foolish.
No way of knowing how his opponent felt, but even if he made his opponent feel foolish, he accomplished more in making himself look foolish by entering a tournament wholly ignorant of the rules and by being very likely much more accomplished as a karate student than his opponent is as a BJJ student yet still barely eking out a win

Where is it "required" and WHY is it required for a BJJ tournament that you agreeably flop to the ground like a professional soccer player?
... Uh, it's a tournament ? All fighting arts competitions have rules. You aren't allowed to go wrestle your opponent into an armbar and submit them in a karate match. BJJ has a different scoring system than karate. Different rules.

He's also trying to prove BJJ is bullshit for streetfighting... in a regulated tournament environment . How do we know that BJJ white belt wouldn't have stomped his ass silly in an actual street fight?

And who is saying BJJ alone is the penultimate fighting discipline? It's simply a tool for the toolset. If you call a plumber and they show up with one pipe wrench and nothing else, they're not a very well-equipped plumber now are they? Same with fighting. The best mix martial artists study striking and grappling.

Dismissing BJJ because he submitted a white belt after failing to fight within the sports ruleset is arrogant and ignorant. Would love to see that dude take on a more well-rounded fighter who holds a comparable level belt as he does
If you rise up to heaven I'll turn the sun to blind you
If you sleep deep in hell I have chains to bind you