Skirts and dresses are actually awesome

Poll of the Day

My toxic trait was being staunchly against skirts, dresses, and the color pink because I've always been a huge tomboy -- but I grew out of that phase once I became more confident in myself and realized that those things don't actually define my personality and interests. It was also that skirts and dresses always seemed so impractical. The risk of them getting caught on things or panty shots as I was doing physical stuff was high.

But I recently started wearing them just because sometimes I don't feel like having pants on. Gotta vent that situation out every now and then, you know? And it's wonderful! Long skirts or comfy skorts and I don't have to worry about practicality, either.

Now I firmly believe that men should go back to wearing dresses/tunics/whatever. Women alone should not gatekeep this level of comfort.
I call Cthulhu "daddy"