Due to Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire... Israel bombs Iranian consulate in Syria

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streamofthesky posted...
Israel has lost ~ 600 IDF soldiers thus far in <6 months of fighting.
America lost 2459 military deaths in two decades in Afghanistan.
Israel has racked up 25% of the combat death toll that the US managed in 20 years in Afghanistan, in less than 6 months.

Weird how you only like to compare figures when you think it'll help your case and ignore the rest.

Oh, if we only look at Afghanistan, Israel's already killed more civilians than the US did there. No contest. I can't be bothered to dredge the stats up again, but I'm pretty sure the total civilian deaths in Afghanistan were in the realm of 20-25k (to ~40k combatants). When I say "20 years post-9/11," I'm talking about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and every other middle-eastern country caught up in the fallout of the War on Terror, combined.

streamofthesky posted...
And implying Israel "hasn't even broken triple digits yet" for enemy combatants is either staggeringly ignorant or a deliberate pro-Hamas statement. Take your pick.

If they have, I'll welcome the correction. Last I heard, they'd managed 13 Hamas kills for 8000 civilian deaths, but that was obviously a while ago because they're pushing 40,000 civilians now. If they follow the same ratio (which is to be expected given that they've continued to bomb indiscriminately and deliberately engineer humanitarian crises, none of which suggests that they've been taking enough accountability for that piss-poor ratio to pretend it's not just deliberate genocide), that'd put them at about 55-60ish, which is sub-triple digits.

One small correction for you, though: It's a deliberate anti-Israel statement (specifically anti-current Israeli government, since I recognize that most Israeli citizens are not complicit in this genocide), not a pro-Hamas one. Hamas is also bad. Israel is just measurably the worse of two evils at this moment, plus the one that people seem to need to be convinced is doing bad things and therefore shouldn't be given weaponry that they're shooting at humanitarian aid caravans. I don't really need to convince anyone that blowing up 1200 civilians was a bad thing, so I'm not putting any effort into that.

streamofthesky posted...
It's almost like urban combat in one of the most densely populated regions on Earth w/ enemies that hide amongst the civilian population is really f***ing difficult.

And the solution to that challenge is not to just blow everything up with no regard for the number of innocent civilians killed in doing so. Collateral damage happens, yes, and this is a scenario where it's particularly difficult to avoid, but that does not even remotely justify completely giving up on avoiding it the way Israel has. Of course, with a government that has spent years spouting rhetoric along the lines of "there are no innocent Palestinians," "these people are animals, why shouldn't we kill them?", and "nuking Gaza is not off the table," why would anyone believe that they even tried to avoid it in the first place?
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