Due to Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire... Israel bombs Iranian consulate in Syria

Poll of the Day

agesboy posted...
in the same way I condemn the US's currently unconditional support for Israel to be at fault for Israel's actions, I consider specifically Netenyahu's government to be significantly at fault for Hamas's existence tbh.

I might argue even more so. The US enables Israel despite having the power to single-handedly dictate how aggressive they can be, certainly, and in that regard Netenyahu's support of Hamas to ensure he has a consistent enemy to exploit is comparable, but beyond that Israel's apartheid policies, aggressively antagonistic colonialism, and large-scale killing of Palestinian civilians are all very obviously things that breed discontent and radicalize people to terrorism. I'm not about to go so far as to call Hamas "freedom fighters" like some do, since that's glorifying them in a way they don't particularly deserve, but the fact remains that there is freedom for which Palestinians feel the need to fight, and that feeling is solely because Israel has denied it to them. Those who have freedom don't need to fight for it.

Would the Hamas problem go away if Israel started supporting Palestinian infrastructure restoration and development, stopped arbitrarily stealing land and inviting settlers to come from abroad to live on it, and stopped forcing Palestinians to spend hours waiting in line to cross checkpoints on the way to work every morning? Probably not. Hatred is a bitch to get rid of once it sinks its teeth in, and change and forgiveness don't happen overnight. But there'd be a whole lot less new anti-Israel sentiment among Palestinians moving forward, which means a whole lot fewer young people being radicalized and recruited by Hamas, which in turn means less violence.
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