does anyone here have a NAS?

Poll of the Day

I run a synology NAS with Plex and about a billion other services.

If you're a pro or a noob get a Synology NAS, they're best in market imo. Extremely easy to setup but also pretty powerful. Only other alternative is to build something like TrueNAS but imo that's only if you're an enthusiast and you like building stuff as a hobby.

For setting up Plex they have an in-built application with a single button setup, the only addendum is that to update it you need to go through the Plex website, download a file then upload it to your synology.

For purchasing, just get any with the amount of bays you think is appropriate. I think most CPU/RAM configurations are going to be able to run Plex easy.

Long answer short: Synology. I have DS918+
So I was standing still at a stationary store...