Do you like kids?

Poll of the Day

Zareth posted...
I also don't want to hold your damn baby.
fr some people are so genuinely creepy with how hard they try to push their kids onto other people.

In addition to not wanting to hold your baby, I don't think you should assume that I'm fine with you letting your toddler come into my house with you. This honestly can go so far. You're having a 6 month anniversary party for your baby and you want me to come? Karen, your baby cannot even form long-term memories yet. Go ahead and go to Disneyworld where it is loud and crowded in the Florida heat and humidity with an infant, a two-year old, and the rest of your kids. I promise you it will not be worth it to spend hundreds of dollars just to stand in line for hours at a time with a bunch of impatient and miserable kids who won't even remember it. If it's coming from a family member or a dear friend, then of course, I'd do anything for them because I care about them. But if your neighbor or co-worker comes at you with this shit? Fuck off. Then they act like you're a monster :p
I call Cthulhu "daddy"