Do you like kids?

Poll of the Day

pedro45 posted...
Kids can be monsters, but there's so many horror stories about teenage girls. Like, they can be evil! Society doesn't know how to deal with it.
pedro45 posted...
You ever heard of hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn?
Well, imagine what it was like when she was honing those skills. Mean Girls x13.
Boys can be mean, too, and in general are more aggressive, but a mean girl...look out.
I want you to think a littke harder about what you sound like. You're a grown ass adult with a grudge against teenage "mean girls". That's pretty weird, man. I'm guessing you were either picked on by girls when you were in school and just never got over it or that you have never actually been around teenaged girls and your only exposure to them is what is portrayed in highschool drama flicks.
I call Cthulhu "daddy"