Has MCU Dr strange ever won a significant fight?

Poll of the Day

I'd disagree about Dormammu.

Strange didn't beat him in a fight. He lost to him over and over and over again. What he did was outsmart him. Which is sort of a different thing.

Same deal with surrendering to Thanos - you could argue that Strange "won" that fight because it led directly to the sequence of events that ultimately defeats Thanos, but realistically, he "lost the fight but won the war" in both cases.

If anything, part of the point of Strange (in the MCU) is supposed to be that he's not a fighter. He's a doctor and a scholar who uses his brain to think his way through conflict, and who tries to win in ways that don't just oil down to "hit the other guy until he stops". Which means he doesn't really win fights.

Though a lot of that depends on how you're defining "winning a fight".
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family