It kinda makes me sad to see GameFAQs finally dying.

Poll of the Day

darkknight109 posted...
I still don't really get why the "forum" model of the internet died out.

Older generations become role models (influencers). Seek out new impressionable youths to take money from.
Younger generations are impressionable as they lack experience or critical thinking skills (undeveloped brain, no life experience) so they look up to role models (influencers) for inspiration.

This cycle has always existed but is more pronounced in the digital world. I looked up to popular Web Admins like W13 (of Runescape fame) back in the day. GameFAQs had CJayC, Devin and Allen. 4chan had moot, ect. There were lots of smaller forums where I looked up to their leadership but I won't name any specific people as they're all long gone. Even GameFAQs boards had certain prolific members that were looked up to. Think of all of the big JRPG guide writers like Shotgunova.

The role models seek mediums to interact with youths. This can either be for altruistic reasons (community building) or malicious reasons (gifting. for profit influencer media). Each generation so far has had a new medium. Gen X had BBS, Gen Y had Forums. Gen Z had Discord. Gen A has TikTok.
GameFAQs has avatars because of an anti-transgender rant from a person who considers themself woke now.