I counted my PS3/PS4/PS5 games

Poll of the Day

Roachmeat posted...
or having to nuke an account for having one bad game and all of its dlc junking up my library.

Why would anyone do this?

Dikitain posted...
Besides, the whole investment thing is BS anyways. Like the people who say "Don't pay off your mortgage early, you can invest the extra money!". The math behind it is so far fetched once they try to explain it to you.

It does make some amount of sense, if your interest rate is low enough that you can reasonably expect a higher return on investment than you'll save by paying off the mortgage earlier, but in practice unless you're already actively investing that extra 2-3k you throw at your mortgage as an extra payment isn't going to make much of a difference in the long run, nor will it magically get you started on investing. That's more of a broader investment strategy sort of question than a "should I make an extra mortgage payment this month?" sort of question.

Dikitain posted...
Compared to some hobbies, video games isn't really a "I could have invested it!" thing. It is so minuscule vs. what some people pay on sports, cars, boats, planes, or other hobbies.

Indeed. The front-end cost for any given game/system is high enough to feel like a significant cost, but in terms of cost per hour of entertainment gaming is extremely economical compared to most other hobbies that have some sort of consumerist aspect to them.
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