Crazy bus

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Crazy bus
crazy bus
Riding on the crazy bus
Riding up, riding down
Driven by a funny clown
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
There's no such word as busalooey.
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
...when I was 7 I watched a TV series called Crazy Bus (which I suspect few people remember - UK series only 1 episode in the BBC's archives)

no connection to the song
"Does Magna Carta mean nothing to you? Did She die in vain?"
dunno this song but imagine a game like Crazy Taxi but with a bus
yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
adjl posted...
There's no such word as busalooey.
I started shaking, my legs were quaking!
My stomach aching, my brain was breaking!
I started turning green, feeling mean
It was like in that story!
I was acting strange, quite deranged
It was pure allegory!
I am awesome and so are you.
Lenny gone but not forgotten. - 12/10/2015
I'm going off the rails on a crazy bus
Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum,
Minutus carborata descendum pantorum.
just a little homework tonight
currently playing: shin megami tensei 1 (psx)
Having fun isn't hard/
This is my signature. It exists to keep people from skipping the last line of my posts.
Crunch munch snap pop fizz
In the long run we are all dead
And I say, HEY!
I'll destroy you in Street Fighter, For Honor, COD, and hungry hungry hippos.
God I love Crazy Bus
girls like my fa
slacker03150 posted...
I started shaking, my legs were quaking!
My stomach aching, my brain was breaking!
I started turning green, feeling mean
It was like in that story!
I was acting strange, quite deranged
It was pure allegory!

Jeckle Jeckle, Hyde, Jeckle, Hyde Hyde, Jeckle.

That's episode is all bangers but Jeckle/Hyde >Library Card>Crazy Bus
?huh?........ it's just a box.
adjl posted...
Having fun isn't hard
When you've got
A library card!
Donald J. Trump--proof against government intelligence.
Poll of the Day » Crazy bus