About to try Dragon Age: Inquisition for the umpteenth time

Poll of the Day

ConfusedTorchic posted...
please, dragon age 2 killed dragon age and you damn well know it did po

People shit on DA2, but it was never as bad as everyone made it out to be.

People complained because they didn't get to play as the Warden anymore, but Hawke was fine as a replacement, and it makes more sense to play as different characters in different regions while exploring different aspects of the world. Plus they got great VAs to play them. And the change meant they could have Hawke show up in later games, whereas we're never going to see the Warden again.

People complained because they changed the gameplay mechanics, but that was pretty much inevitable once the series went mainstream - and most people didn't flip their shit when Mass Effect 2 did the same thing.

People complained because it reused map assets - but again, Mass Effect did the same thing and no one cared. And it was fine since half the point was that the streets of Kirkwall all look the same (not to mention the whole game is framed as a story Varric is telling, so he's just leaving out details).

People complained because the story wasn't about a Chosen One saving the world, but if every story in the setting was that, it would get stupid very quickly (this is a problem the Elder Scrolls games already have). And a lot of people also complain about how cliche those types of stories have become, so you'd never please everyone no matter what you do anyway.

Meanwhile, DA2 had better music (than both DA:O and DA:I), strong characters (equal to DA:O and better than nearly everyone in DA:I), a strong story (albeit a more personal one), and did a better job setting up future stories than either DA:O or DA:I did (and DA:I seems to go out of its way to undo most of what you accomplish in both DA:O and DA2, as well as itself ).

I really enjoyed DA2. DA:I broke me.

DA:I is about 1/3rd of a good DA game, dragged down by endless padding and slog, split focus, a desire to be more like Skyrim (and succeeding in all the worst ways), DLC that undoes most of what you've accomplished, and a reliance on the BS that is Dragon Age Keep.

DA2 left me excited for the next DA game. DA:I (combined with Andromeda and Anthem) have left me assuming BioWare isn't capable of making great games anymore.
"Wall of Text'D!" --- oldskoolplayr76
"POwned again." --- blight family