Do you hate any of your co workers?

Poll of the Day

Poll of the Day » Do you hate any of your co workers?
any of you ever been bullied at your workplaces
I have been bullied at work and its heartbreaking. You think people would grow up after high school, but everyone still acts like that no matter how old they are
Big yellow joint big yellow joint I'll meet you down at the big yellow joint
FrozenBananas posted...
I have been bullied at work and its heartbreaking. You think people would grow up after high school, but everyone still acts like that no matter how old they are
yeah i agree, sad. Did you quit that job? yeah possibly most of the meaner kids from middle school high school do not change. Hence some workplace bullying.
I've got one pretty annoying co worker. I'm technically his manager, but a lot of the time when I make a simple request of him he has to turn it into something way more complicated, often times trying to drag his coworkers through the mud.

But he's been with the company for years and he's in his 60s so I try to be patient with him even though I probably should write him up
Yes. They write like twelve-year-olds. I feel like I'm surrounded by idiots most of the time. Whenever my manager's manager clears her throat, it is obnoxiously loud.
Number VI: Larxene.
The Organization's Not-That-Geezer's-Heart-Tank.
Bullied...not quite. I've worked with some terrible people though, racist, prejudice, etc.
Hate is a strong word, but I'm glad when they move on; they all eventually move on
Warning: Sometimes biased
I don't really hate anyone I work with. I hate the power tripping higher ups.

A bunch of the old ladies bullied me when I started, so every time there was a new person I made sure I was their best friend. Then over time I convinced them that the old ladies were jerks, making them the outcasts. Now they're nice to me.
I am lucky to not hate anyone at work.
"You don't need a reason to help people." -Zidane Tribal of Final Fantasy IX
Nah, worst I would ever say is I had some bosses I didn't want to work under because they sucked at their jobs.

As far as "bullying", I'll rib my co-workers and can take a good ribbing. But if I know someone wouldn't take it well I won't do it with them.
My bookshelf:
Currently? I like my co-workers.

Yes, I have been bullied at work. I was called the f-slur frequently and my supervisor withheld basic information pertaining to my job. He was an angry psychopath all the time and I got his ass fired. I hated him. First guy to ever tell me about "listening to all of Joe Rogan's episodes" and Sam Hyde.
girls like my fa
Sort of. Theres a new guy in charge, and he took my spot and computer just because he wanted it. I did take my phone and trash can, though. While hes probably not happy, those are mine. He says they arent, but they are.

The other real problem was that he hated me BEFORE he met me And was always talking shit (even though he didnt know the job). He also thought I didnt exist for a while. But that was because I was on the shift after him. And he always left 15 minutes early everyday He was apparently trying to craft a paper trail to get me out of my job. And try to get me retrained, which isnt even how my job works anymore. One of the reasons is because he thought I wasnt doing my job. Which would be impossible to prove. My name was all over pretty much everything we did, as I did quite a bit. And the pilots also wouldnt let that fly. Even around the time when he was still new, I had pilots saying stuff like, Do you ever go home? Youre always here when I land. Or Every time I do my 781, youre always here. So, the pilots could also back my up on doing my job. He did eventually see me in action where I finished most of a debrief before they could even start it, though. So, I think hes starting to realize how much Im actually doing
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In my eight years at the company I currently work for, there have only been two coworkers I hated outright.

One thought he was the second coming of Dennis Ritchie and - like quite a few engineers - thought that his expertise in software development made him an expert in every field and subject. He didn't have opinons, he had the correct opinion. Please do not be fooled into thinking he had an air of professionalism around him. His writing style was that of a six year-old, he would blast music from his headphones at a volume loud enough where everyone in the room could hear it, and he walked around the office barefoot . I stopped talking to him and I imagine quite a few others did. We didn't throw a goodbye party when he announced he had found a different job.

The other was the laziest do-nothing seatwarmer I've ever had the displeasure of 'working' with. I say 'working' because he'd do the daily stand-up, then waste two hours keeping others off of their work by talking about anything ranging from politics to what he did during the weekend. He'd then spend another two hours on his phone before breaking for lunch.

The guy was also an enormous crybaby. Shortly after being hired, he took a toastie maker from his home to the office and put it in the break room. Our break room is very small because we're a company that's growing too big for the building that we're in, so the facility manager unplugged the device and put it on coworker's desk. Crybaby did not like this. For two whole weeks he'd complain to anyone and everything about how poorly he'd been treated.

His probationary period ended and he was not offered a new contract, despite our company's (ongoing) shortage of software engineers. This was six months ago. I recently came across his LinkedIn account, and it seems the guy has had like five employers over the course of four years. Probably looks real good on a resume.
im not good with computer
TriforceWisdom posted...
and he walked around the office barefoot
Was your coworker the dude? My co workers would call us out so fast if someone was doing some shit like that. But I have noticed office culture is normally very passive aggressive and drama fueled. I think it's because a lot of office jobs aren't real jobs and people are so bored with an enormous amount of chill time that they have to manufacture drama
Also I kinda respect that that dude didn't give a fuck and was just walking around barefoot lmao
OhhhJa posted...
Also I kinda respect that that dude didn't give a fuck and was just walking around barefoot lmao
I shared a tiny office with him that did not have AC at the time. My desk faced his. Yes, the office did stink of feet during warm summers.
im not good with computer
i dont hate her because shes actually very nice but the girl who sits behind my desk stomps her feet all day and also eats loudly non-stop. its actually insane, she eats for nearly 8 hours straight at work and chews like a goddamn horse.
im gay
DirtBasedSoap posted...
i dont hate her because shes actually very nice but the girl who sits behind my desk stomps her feet all day and also eats loudly non-stop. its actually insane, she eats for nearly 8 hours straight at work and chews like a goddamn horse.
Dang what's her @

Also how does someone stomp their feet so much sitting at a desk? lol
DirtBasedSoap posted...
i dont hate her because shes actually very nice but the girl who sits behind my desk stomps her feet all day and also eats loudly non-stop. its actually insane, she eats for nearly 8 hours straight at work and chews like a goddamn horse.
I forgot about her. How's she doing?
Currently playing: F-Zero 99
One of the terminal dispatchers. He's a colossal asshole who's rude to everyone and withholds information so that certain train crews get in trouble. No one likes him and he's had countless reports against him but nothing ever seems to happen
Delicious and vicious, while maliciously nutritious.
I only ever had a problem with one co-worker at a job years ago when i worked at a convenience store while in college, who really seemed to have it in for me for some reason. He was an older guy who refused to do anything but ride the register, which was fin by me since I preferred to stock the cooler, clean and do trashes rather than deal with customers directly.
He actually complained to the district manager saying that I wouldn't let him complete his work, when all he did was smoke constantly. No idea what his problem was. Glad he quit, but heard he died from cancer not long after. Sad, but so bizarre.
At my current job? The woman who works in purchasing that used to be my department manager. Controlling, pretty much wanted everything to through her, and we never saw eye to eye. She's in another department now and we don't interact much, but I also don't go out of my way to if I don't need to. She acts pleasant to me now but after having her as a manager I still don't like her and don't go out of my way to interact.

Then there was the front end head manager at my last job. Took heavy advantage of me when I offered to help on carts for a Thanksgiving/Christmas season by constantly moving the goalposts (my date of no longer doing carts back) constantly, even after screwing up my ankle, and was not pleasant to deal with when I was getting increasingly annoyed about being taken advantage of, and that she tried to loophole my urgent care limitations (by having me on my feet for four hours at a time before any kind of break despite ankle issues). When she left, conveniently after 3 other supervisors quit, she deliberately avoided me but was all friendly to everyone else.

First job had many. From the cashier who got promoted and immediately powertripped hard, to a 17 year old kid who was constantly late and unpleasant, to a guy that got hired as store maintenance and then was a whiny asshole over pay and whatnot until he left within 4 months, to the crazy Spanish lady who worked self checkout at night and was so nasty at times I avoided getting any of our baskets from self checkout or the carts she'd take from our dwindling supply outside to have them sit in the store for who knows what reason (they'd never leave and she'd snap at anyone who touched them). Maybe it was the FE department manager who was a total hardass and gave notices and writeups like candy and actually tried to outright blame me for a shortage one day (I couldn't say how it happened). She also constantly complained about the evening people and rumor was, one daytime cashier/assistant was basically her lapdog (and this person was almost as unpleasant and almost as much of a hardass too, I really didn't like her either).
I am a super sandwich!
I hate the ones who slack off or take too much PTO causing me/others to do more for no additonal pay incentives.
teddy241 posted...
I hate the ones who slack off or take too much PTO causing me/others to do more for no additonal pay incentives.
If you have PTO and don't use it then that to me is really dumb. Use all your PTO or else you're working for free... Unless you work for a company that will pay you extra for PTO you don't use which is pretty rare

Actually the co worker that I manage that's annoying as shit is always trying to brag to everyone about how he doesn't use his PTO like it shows he's better. The thing is he does the least work of anyone. He just has no life outside of work and he probably is scared we'll realize how useless he is if he stays gone for any length of time. Little does he know everyone already realizes it
Nope. I'm probably the meanest and most ornery here, and it's pretty tame in comparison to what I've seen...

I lucked out for sure. My last (public sector) job was just a bunch of lazy managers and dissatisfied employees.
OhhhJa posted...
If you have PTO and don't use it then that to me is really dumb. Use all your PTO or else you're working for free... Unless you work for a company that will pay you extra for PTO you don't use which is pretty rare

Actually the co worker that I manage that's annoying as shit is always trying to brag to everyone about how he doesn't use his PTO like it shows he's better. The thing is he does the least work of anyone. He just has no life outside of work and he probably is scared we'll realize how useless he is if he stays gone for any length of time. Little does he know everyone already realizes it

I have unlimited PTO at my job, so you can absolutely use too much PTO.

That said, I also have a boss that reminds us every other week we have unlimited PTO and should be taking more time off.
My bookshelf:
Hate is a strong word that I rarely use when talking about people, but there's a manager I really don't care for at all. When she comes into work she stands around talking to random people for about a half hour, does about twenty minutes of work, goes out for a smoke, then repeats the process until her shift is over. All the while telling everyone else how to do the things they've been doing for years and hypocritically berating others for their mistakes even though we're always fixing hers without a word.
Official King of PotD
You only need one T-Rex to make the point, though. ~ Samus Sedai
"hate" is a strong word but there are a few that i'm generally not comfortable around.
"Most of the time, I have a whole lot more sperm inside me than most women do." - adjl
OhhhJa posted...
If you have PTO and don't use it then that to me is really dumb. Use all your PTO or else you're working for free... Unless you work for a company that will pay you extra for PTO you don't use which is pretty rare

Actually the co worker that I manage that's annoying as shit is always trying to brag to everyone about how he doesn't use his PTO like it shows he's better. The thing is he does the least work of anyone. He just has no life outside of work and he probably is scared we'll realize how useless he is if he stays gone for any length of time. Little does he know everyone already realizes it

exactly. PTO is part of your compensation package. I always try to keep at least 24 hours of PTO banked but youre being silly if youre never using it. Im lucky enough work for somewhere that i can use PTO literally whenever i want, spur of the moment (unless i have something major going on that day)
im gay
I don't hate any of my coworkers, but one of the women I work with annoys me because she talks herself into circles over minor things.
Miami Dolphins | Portland Trailblazers | San Francisco Giants
I won't say a thing, because the one who knows best is you.
Hate? No. One of my co-workers is mildly annoying, but that's about as dim as my view of them gets.
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
Nade_Duck posted...
"hate" is a strong word but there are a few that i'm generally not comfortable around.
For certain people I could not care if anything bad of any type happened to them, and they show regularly they feel the same way.

Like the "people" who decided to cut my pay by $3 and push me deeper into debt so they could get their bonuses after doubling my workload. I absolutely hate them as much as I can hate anyone. What a useful emotion, I say.
Yellow posted...
Like the "people" who decided to cut my pay by $3 and push me deeper into debt so they could get their bonuses after doubling my workload. I absolutely hate them as much as I can hate anyone. What a useful emotion, I say.

That just is a reason for you to quit. If they want you back, demand they pay you $6 an hour more.
My bookshelf:
I'm unemployed so yeah, most of them
What would Bligh do?
There were 2 that I dispised, but they're both gone now.
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.
Poll of the Day » Do you hate any of your co workers?