How would you grade Trump's first six months as President?

Current Events

The Admiral posted...
He hasn't done anything to warrant an F except make liberals super upset.

He hasn't been especially effective either, though. The rollout of the immigration ban was flubbed before the SCOTUS stepped in (but this was also the fault of activist judges overstepping). The border wall has been a joke. The healthcare bill has been a debacle. And Trump hasn't really curbed any of his immature pre-election antics.

With that said, the economy is doing great and nothing has fundamentally changed for the worse. In fact, if you didn't read political news, it would be hard to notice any difference in your daily life compared to when Obama was president.

Trump deserves a C- up to this point. A F is reserved for economy-crippling stupidity, like Bush launching a war with Iraq for no reason. Hurt feelings doesn't warrant the lowest grade.

But people claim Obama ruined this country

So Trump not doing anything makes a D at best