Trump Supporters who tried to BOYCOTT IT because of Stephen King has BACKFIRED!!

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Would you boycott movies made by Liberals who continue to bash Trump?

Crybaby Fans of President Trump who called to Boycott ALL Stephen King films, particularly of the release of IT because of King's relentless attacks on Trump has BACKFIRED as the R rated film became a MONSTER HIT at the box office breaking records!!

The highly anticipated clown killer film was only supposed to make 60 million in its debut but made DOUBLE that in one weekend!!

The most recent feud between the author and Trump supporters happened last month when King learned that Trump blocked him on twitter and the director made his revenge by BLOCKING TRUMP TO HIS FILMS!!

Trump Supporters then posted a message on reddit asking its supporters to avoid seeing "it" during the opening weekend in hopes the movie would tank..

But that backfired spectaculary as not only people saw the film but it made double it's opening predictions and Liberal author Stephen King continues to make bank on his films...although not all was rosy for King as last month's release of The Dark Tower did not perform well..But IT certainly made up for that!

Would you boycott Movies made by liberals who contiue to bash Trump?

IT -
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right