New Software Releasing that can detect if you're GAY is causing OUTRAGE!!

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Are you gonna use this software to see if it "works" on you?

Stanford University has created a new AI computer program that can determine if someone is GAY just by looking at your PICTURE causing OUTRAGE as GLAAD claims this program is used to out people who are still in the closet!!

According to the researchers, the AI can infer someone's sexuality with up to 91% accuracy by scanning a photograph of a man or woman but critics claim this software is used to "out" men and women still not out to the public eye

Subtle differences in facial structures that the human eye struggles to detect can be detected by computers claim the makers.

By training thousands of faces, it can correctly identify facial features relating to their sexual orientation.

But GLAAD says they are calling on the media to cover the study to include the flaws in this methodology including making inaccurate assumptions that is left out of non-white subjects and was not peer reviewed.

Jim Halloran said "Technology cannot identify someone's sexual orientation. What their technology can recognize is a pattern that found a small subset of out white gay and lesbian people on dating sites who look similar. Those 2 findings should not be conflated. This research isn't science or news but it's a description of beauty standards on dating sites that ignore huge segments of the LGBTQ community, including people of colour transngeder people, older individuals etc..At a time where minority groups are being targeted, these reckless findings could serve as weapon to harm both heterosexuals who are inaccurately outed, as well as gay and lesbian people who are in situations where coming out is dangerous"

The software in the wrong hands could in theory pick out people rather than people who choose to keep their sexual identity private.

Google shows that more people search "is my husband gay" rather than "is my husband having an affair"

Are you gonna use this sham? oopsa a poo, i mean software? let's see if people would

The software soon to be released to the public -
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