This California Dad is OUTRAGED that his 13 y/o Daughter was called a SLUT!!

Current Events

That dress is definitely on the short side when you take into context that it is a dress and not pants/shorts and that she is surrounded by 13-year-old boys.

Honestly girls in the United States and Western society in general should, without me sounding too weirdly antagonistic about this, get a taste of their own medicine at some point. Maybe 13-year-old boys should stop wearing very loose half-pants that almost cover the knees, with several large cargo pockets large enough to carry a large bulky mobile electronic device (think something with a screen over 5 inches but also with a large bezel edge) and instead start showing those upper thighs. Start wearing 1970s guy's basketball shorts that provide space and coverage for their junk and butts but have no pockets and expose the thighs. Men should be like women and walk around in tights( what society now calls "yoga pants" in some vague fitness excuse) at all hours of the day in public, ones that have no room for any pockets, let alone ones for commonly-sized smartphones or wallets, because they are a thin, form fitting fabric. Then men can start carrying purses or fanny packs... well when it comes to history, men can start carrying purses again .

For some reason men's clothing today acts like in order to have room for a guy's crotch, it needs to have twice as much room that they'll need after maximum, like, boners, plus the entire pants being so baggy and loose that it is impossible to tell that a man has actual round flesh buttcheeks no matter how he moves or bends.

That's just basically society shaming men for having anything remotely sexual about their everyday public bodies, and that all their sexuality has to be in the form of "status" or whatever. You know, that thing about how women are attracted to "power".