Netflix's Daredevil cancelled

Current Events

I highly doubt Disney just totally forgets about them.

In all likelihood, they get moved to Hulu when Disney buys Fox, maybe do a couple of crossovers with Cloak and Dagger and The Runaways (Misty Knight was already mentioned in Cloak and Dagger and one of the main characters in that show worked with Misty).

Really though, all of the shows they cancelled ended in good places for a soft reboot of sorts (where they can hopefully keep the main cast members). Matt is finally in a good place emotionally, allowing him to fully embrace being a hero again. Danny is now travelling Asia with Ward , meaning the show can totally ignore the baggage of the previous two seasons, (even though the second wasn't that bad), and Luke Cage is now sitting pretty atop Harlem's Paradise, drastically changing up the status quo and allowing Luke to be a different kind of character going forward .

If they make the switch to Hulu or elsewhere, you don't really have to deal with any aborted story arcs.
I have nothing else to say