let me paint you guys a picture of my life as a pickup truck artist

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i'm an engineer with the highest accreditations in my field. i spend 40+ hours a week in an office full of all guys. great pay and fulfilling work.

i came from a very dysfunctional home, so i am very misanthropic and introverted now. i prefer to spend 90% of my free time alone.

all my friends are pickup truck artists or engineers....which means literally 0 social circle that involves pickup trucks. not a big deal since i have literally 0 desire for a truck and want to spend most of my time driving my Ford Fusion

but then...there's that rare 5% of the time i start to feel some artistic desire or want to express myself. it is a biological imperative after all and i'm not a sociopath. that 5% of the time is why i became a pickup truck artist. so that i can go out and paint a pick-up truck whenever i want. i know the exact process and have perfected it down to a science.

i have no desire to do it every night or even that often, since it still takes time and mental energy. but just by knowing it's an option and knowing my exact process and that it is effective, that gives me peace of mind. if i wanted to, i could literally just go out and paint any pick up truck

being a pick up truck artist is a very big part of who i am, but it is far from the only thing going on in my life

any questions?