I just ate a whole nutmeg

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TC, how do you feel about Dion Waiters "overdosing" on gummies? I know that's something different, but that's what this reminds me of.

in case you don't follow the NBA, he plays for the Miami Heat. dude had a couple edibles too many and couldn't perform because he was reeeeally high. like, "sitting there in front of the TV, but day dreaming about surfing in space on a giant Lucky Charm red balloon for 20 mins" high.

he got suspended for 10 days, lmao

Butterfiles posted...
RickyTheBAWSE posted...
does the song Nutmeg make sense when you're feeling it's effects?


I was hoping to decipher what a "spiced out Calvin Coolidge" was

Lmao I came in to post this too. Classic album

haha, definitely
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