I unironically believe the final Smash character is going to be Tetris.

Current Events

Current Events » I unironically believe the final Smash character is going to be Tetris.
You see it get tossed around as a joke character idea, but based on Sakurai's wording of suggesting that even people who don't play Smash may want to tune in to the presentation, it sounds like it's a character with widespread recognition. I assume that narrows it down to big industry favorites, with mainstream popularity.

Waluigi is never getting in because Nintendo hates him. Doom Guy and Fortnite man are probably never getting into Smash either, since the game is heavily biased against western creations. Sora is a no, because Nintendo hates Disney as much as they hate Waluigi. Random Nintendo characters like Fire Emblem/Pokemon/Zelda slots seem unlikely, considering the comment suggesting it's a mainstream-popular character.

Master Chief sounds like he ticks off all the boxes in terms of companies which are friendly with Nintendo, it's a well-known character with mainstream appeal, it would be a pretty hype way to end the DLC pack, and it ties in nicely with the release of Halo Infinite soon. That said, I still don't think it would be Chief since Infinite was originally slated to release holiday 2020, which would mean they would've had to delay his DLC release as well, considering that all the DLC 2 characters were decided on prior to June 2020. That makes it seem really unlikely.

There's a handful of other popular requests out there, but I don't think any of them quite fulfill the idea of a character that would be interesting to people who play don't play Smash, as much as some sort of Tetris character. On top of that, Sakurai loves coming up with bizarre ideas for characters, and Tetriminos would fit that pretty well too. And the cherry on top is that Tetris Effect releases on Switch this week, which would also fit into the idea that Nintendo likes using the DLC slots to cross-promote.

Sakurai comment suggests last character is a mainstream-popular character, Tetris as a character makes the most sense.
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.
Also, all my tin-foil-hat theorizing could be absolutely for nothing. Sakurai could just be saying stuff to have people read too much into it, and it's just gonna be Butterfree or something lol.
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.
I know it's a wall of text but, hear me out. Where's that guy who posts the picture of a Tetris character mockup for Smash?
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.
Current Events » I unironically believe the final Smash character is going to be Tetris.