Rogan and Peterson also discussed Race...

Current Events

What did Michael Eric Dyson call you? A mean, angry white man?! Rogan wondered aloud, referencing a 2018 debate that featured Dyson jokingly calling Peterson a mean, mad white man for whining about how repressed he was despite his personal success.

Hilarious. Youre not mean at all, Rogan continued. Thats whats dumb about that statement. Youre not mean at all.
Peterson, for his part, took issue with Dyson highlighting his race, insisting thats a lie to call him white.
I am kind of tan, he declared. And he was actually not Black, he was sort of brown.

Well, isnt that weird, he stated. The Black and white thing is so strange because the shades are such a spectrum of shades of people. Unless you are talking to someone who is, like, 100 percent African from the darkest place where they are not wearing any clothes all day and they have developed all of that melanin to protect themselves from the sun, even the term Black is weird.

this country is getting dumber by the day. this whole "Umm well actually!" schtick the right runs to try and sound smart is really dumb.
"I devour urine just like my Portland Trailblazers, with piss poor defense."