Anybody know what might be wrong with my printer?

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KogaSteelfang posted...
It came with a disk. I installed it from that. When it was acting up, I went to their website and installed it from there. I thought maybe the one on the disk was out of date.
The printer properties window you showed earlier seems a little basic.

When you expand out that menu at the bottom (more settings) you should have a bunch of options like fit to page, zoom %, etc.

Then at the bottom of that section you should have an option for something like use system settings. That would switch over to the native windows driver.

One of those always has a way to print something regardless of what whackadoo program or weird document you have to print.

Id honestly just go buy a different one from Best Buy or Walmart or something. If that works return that shit and chalk it up as a lesson that you get what you pay for.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey