Duncan got suspended again.

Current Events

FaultyCircuitry posted...
A lot of the queer community has latched onto the idea of him being trans, but he's stated by Nintendo to be a man.

Mostly just due to their relatively feminine presentation which while I would love to have a trans gym leader I don't like people latching on to someone gender non-conforming and immediately assigning them an identity that they did not claim themselves.

Let men be feminine
Let men be cute


He's definitely one of the best character designs in the game imo

I actually assumed that character was female lol (didn't consider whether cis or trans) even though that would make a gender imbalance for the gym leaders. In any case, silly thing to get suspended over lol, but Duncan has been hanging in a certain discord crowd for the past several months so I'm not surprised -_-

I think my favorite design is probably the Electric one. She looks kinda ridiculous but between the crazy outfit, magnemite headgear thing, teeth and mannerisms, she just seems like a fun character. Larry would be a close 2nd. Just a regular businessman-looking motherfucker with a briefcase lol. I can appreciate that... plus he seems so vanilla and average that it's funny, and he says something like "go easy on me. I just ate" before the fight but then is really hungry afterward even though it's been just a few minutes? lmao. I expect him to be heavily memed if he isn't already.