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ITT: I play Jedi Fallen Order (ongoing spoilers)

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Current Events » ITT: I play Jedi Fallen Order (ongoing spoilers)
Never played it before. Things I know about this game:

1) you play as a guy
2) he has red hair
3) sand is coarse, rough and gets everywhere

After going through Mass Effect 1-3 as an unrepentant douchebag/renegade who got plenty of people killed and didn't care, I'll fight those base urges and play through as a Dudley Do-Right goody-goody. If I can pick between Jedi and Sith powers, I'll pick the former.

Never been a big Star Wars guy and haven't played any of the games since Battlefront 2 (PS2) way back when, so let's see how this goes. I've heard plenty of good things.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
It's a good game

it has an awful map though. Probably one of my recent favs from the last few years
The night brims with defiled scum,and is permeated by their rotten stench.
Just think. Now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content.
It's not a great game, but it's one I thoroughly enjoyed. I liked most of the characters, and BD-1 is top-tier droid pal.
Enjoyed 100%ing that game, aside from filling in the map.

Combat is pretty basic, but it's fun and gets better and better as it goes.
Word from the wise: Don't drink the under-sink-juice.
The game doesn't really have a moral choice system , it's a set plot
Debra Wilson being in the game automatically makes it better than it'd be otherwise. Cal is almost a cross-pollination between David Bowie and Josh Homme's hair, lol.

Anyway, I'm off the tutorial planet and searching for a vault or something.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Dodging uses up my force meter? Lame. Guess I gotta go guerilla tactics on some of these things to replenish it. Fighting this frog thing reminds me of that frog boss in Witcher 3's sewers, haha.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
My biggest issue with the game was the lightsaber hits like a pool noodle
It looks so boring.
Shotgunnova posted...
Debra Wilson being in the game automatically makes it better than it'd be otherwise.
Oh damn, I didn't realize Cere was the gal from MadTV, lol
Shotgunnova posted...
Fighting this frog thing reminds me of that frog boss in Witcher 3's sewers, haha.
You don't necessarily have to kill the really tough frog on the first visit.

Unless you aren't a true warrior, I'd course.
I'm starting to get the hang of combat now, using the slo-mo power and blocking properly. I instinctively want to use L2 for blocking, since that's what it is in ESO, so I've been getting clobbered by every sapient lifeform in this area. I killed one of the generic frogs and upgraded my health, so maybe I can squeak by next time I'm over.

Now that I can do wall runs, let's hope double jumping is next.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Bow to your red-haired god.

I also did the vault stuff and get to go to other planets. Found a chest I can't open until I repair a scamp link, whatever the hell that is.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Shotgunnova posted...
a scamp link, whatever the hell that is
Just spent 15 minutes getting my ass kicked by some werewolf thing on Dagomir (?), and all routes seem blocked, so I'm guessing I need to go to Zeffo first.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Alright, after a bit of difficulty, I finally got the Push power and I have to go to Kashyyyk. I think that's the wookiee home world, right?
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Did they get rid of the "oh damn quick where's the bathroom" run animation or is he still searching?
Edit: Yeah that's the wookie pace
Still waiting on that third threat
No, Cal still runs like he has a full diaper, haha.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Shotgunnova posted...
Just spent 15 minutes getting my ass kicked by some werewolf thing on Dagomir (?), and all routes seem blocked, so I'm guessing I need to go to Zeffo first.

theres a way to get a lightsaber upgrade on Dathomir early
I think I went down every path on Dathomir except a second path by the ship, so maybe that was it. Should be easier next time around, now that I have that teleport strike, plus more health and force.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Its a series of several hidden turns, jumps etc

guides on YouTube if you want though. Unlocks the dual sided saber so may be worth your while.
I'll have to check my map and see what's up. There's gotta be more to do there now, certainly -- I seem to remember some breakable walls or something. Explored most of the second (icy) world, then backtracked to Bogano for some missed secrets (+2 stims). The puzzle where you roll the astrolabe thing on this tiny path to its destination was bantha fodder.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
never finished the game

too much backtracking
Big Apple, 3 A.M.
There really does need to be a fast-travel option between savepoints or something, yeah. I've always prided myself on my cartographer's mind, but even I had to keep checking the robot's map repeatedly because some areas are so confusing. Lots of elevators, one-way slides, one-way cargo lifts, etc. And, of course, once you heal yourself, all the enemies respawn!

I expect some things to get better with familiarity and the map knowledge is one of 'em. Bogano is pretty small, all things considered, haha.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
theres talk of mounts and gliders in the sequel, that should help
Just make a surfboard-type vehicle you can get on and off of easily, and have a little droid bay (holder) for your robo buddy, who'll probably return. Assuming he doesn't have a sacrifice-for-the-mission moment later. It'll be just like the twelve-time Oscar-winning movie, The Skateboard Kid.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Okay, I explored a bit more into Dagomir, but I got stonewalled at a gap where I, presumably, need a double jump. Met an old Obi-Wan guy hanging around, but he spoke only in riddles...great. Gonna mosey to Chewbacca's world and see if there's anything to do.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame

1 barrel = 200 tons of waste


The Shadow of the Colossus segment was alright, though. I also murdered this boss spider on the first try...guess I'm not just some red-haired naif from a backwater anymore.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
i recommend playing on a higher difficulty if its too easy.

jedi knight is where it shines. Jedi master is good for a 2nd run
Whoever invented these purple dudes who guard, counter, have armor, use unparryable combos, and have force resistance across the board...should be fed to a sarlacc. The fact that there are generic stormtroopers who can count everything a literal Jedi does is just pathetic. I've been pushing them off cliffs as much as I can, but it doesn't always work out, since my force meter takes eighty years to recharge. Gonna get that "when you heal, you regen all force" upgrade ASAP.

lww99 posted...
i recommend playing on a higher difficulty if its too easy.
jedi knight is where it shines. Jedi master is good for a 2nd run
Ehh, I kinda like the story, but the actual battling has been kind of a letdown. Dunno if I'd want to bother going through it all again, only everything that sucked on the first run sucks extra hard.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Oh great, it's the boss that gets to capture you for storyline purposes, even though you're kicking ass. My favorite.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Shotgunnova posted...
Oh great, it's the boss that gets to capture you for storyline purposes, even though you're kicking ass. My favorite.
He's literally in every game. Why is he such a popular guy?
Why is the cranky pilot trying to have a heart-to-heart with me? Just remain the comic relief!

BurmesePenguin posted...
He's literally in every game. Why is he such a popular guy?
At least it wasn't too annoying to get through that droid reclamation plant or whatever it was. Already finished.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Ooh, a rebreather. I remember a flooded tunnel on Zeffo and a cistern area on Bogano I should check out.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Game is dope and evil sister lady is hot. Hhnnnngg
Do these stupid emitters and stuff do anything or are they just cosmetic? I think I might have a complete set of one of 'em (probably Bogano or Dathomir).
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Its all cosmetic
Eh well. I didn't expect them to have a set bonus or anything, but it would've been cool.

Now that I have the lightsaber damage upgrade, I'm upgrading my saber to orange. Honestly, haven't noticed much change in the output, though. Some enemies that took three normal hits before still take three, and those hopped-up psychos on Dathomir are about the same, too. The skill tree sold me a lemon.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame

wow pretty short game
Roll Tide & Go Irish
Shotgunnova posted...
Do these stupid emitters and stuff do anything or are they just cosmetic? I think I might have a complete set of one of 'em (probably Bogano or Dathomir).
Purely cosmetic, as is everything you pull out of the chests.

Second game in the series releases next month.
Alright, I went to Dathomir and had some fun adventures that resulted in my broken lightsaber. Dunno how it happened -- it almost seemed to short circuit after a flashback or something. Of course, right afterwards there's a bunch of piss-easy zombies I have to flee from. Cal pee-pantsed his way off the planet, so...not his finest moment.

I did epically mess up that birb, though. At first I was disappointed because it ran away like a wuss, but then it came back and I had to scale a mountain like it was a lost Brave Fencer Musashi level.

Crazymaori posted...
Second game in the series releases next month.
Ooh, didn't know that.

Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Let's go crazy
Let's get nuts
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Your screen shots are making me want to play again
I want to like the game so much, but it's really combat issues that have been detracting. I want to get into the fray, spin around and cut down some fodder, reflect a few bolts, then pull someone in for the kill (or maybe do some force lightning...which I think is associated with evil powers?) or something. Instead, because everything dodges every 5 nanoseconds, or blocks you, or counters you, or has an unblockable move, you constantly have to play methodically, which isn't what I equate with fun. Makes sense for a neophyte Jedi, sure, but [Kenobi voice:] "this is not the fun you're looking for".

On the plus side, I did find the Clint Eastwood serape look, so there's that.

lww99 posted...
Your screen shots are making me want to play again
Does it have a NG+? Maybe it'd be more fun to replay when I can be Sgt. Kickass with all the powers instead of Scootypuff Jr. who gets a hernia just from blocking small rats and bugs.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
It gets a ng+, but I cant remember if the powers/skills transfer.

I know the collectibles do. You also get inquisitor Cal and the red saber

I gotta get ready for Survivor anyway
Shotgunnova posted...
Scootypuff Jr. who gets a hernia just from blocking small rats and bugs.

He was a Padawan during order 66. He learned a lot, but he was a child then. He hasn't practiced in over a decade. It's like if you haven't ride a bike in 20 years. Sure,you still remember the basics, but your not going to be "popping a wheelie" right out the door.

Plus, he wasn't trained in actual combat, just practice exercises. I'd say Cal does rather well.

I look forward to the sequel where all that is out the door and they have NO EXCUSES to not let me be an overpowered asshole.
Word from the wise: Don't drink the under-sink-juice.
"He was just a kid!" only goes so far with me since he's free-climbing scrap freighters bigger than K2 and doing all kinds of acrobatics. Needing a band-aid because gophers are hard to block is a little sad.

But yes, the sequel would hopefully do away with the "for some reason he forgot all his moves from last game" rationale. Shame they wrote him as a generic do-gooder hero, 'cause sequels are always a good time to experiment with...the dark side.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
It wont happen-

But Id love if Cal turns into a grey force user

like hes going up against the empire alone, he starts looking at the dark side as a means to finish this.
great game absolutely awful backtracking entire maps and no fast travel thankfully part 2 took care of that
I wonder if Sith padawans get scolded for using the light side of the force instead of the dark side, haha.
Take me down from the ridge where the summer ends
And watch the city spread out just like a jet's flame
Current Events » ITT: I play Jedi Fallen Order (ongoing spoilers)
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