The thing people forget about Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker at Unforgiven2000

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Current Events » The thing people forget about Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker at Unforgiven2000 that Undertaker really was masterfully work down by Brock and Heyman before the match. Not all did Brock break Undertaker's hand, he also hired a former old flame to accuse Undertaker of being a cheating to sew dissent in Undertaker's personal life. Brock also somehow found Taker's wife at the time's number and mocked the shit out of them lol. Brock also would do numerous beat downs to Taker with Matt Hardy acting as his toadie. Undertaker jobbed in the end at the least.

Trying to burn the bridges to a culture that taught us to hate and fear and live like cogs in a machine and not like lovers, friends, and kin.
Current Events » The thing people forget about Brock Lesnar beating Undertaker at Unforgiven2000