The Indian Government assassinated a Canadian citizen in Canada

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Current Events » The Indian Government assassinated a Canadian citizen in Canada

They done fucked up
Nothing will come of this
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Good news for Canada-Pakistan relations?
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
Irony posted...
Nothing will come of this


pretty sure Modi and the Indian government are untouchable
Not changing this sig until I think of something else to put on here
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
this(spies assassinating people in other countries) probably happens a lot more than most people realize. they just usually don't get caught since that's like 33% of the job
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Far right country closely allied with Russia assassinates Canadian religious leader in Canada.

Im shocked.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
Trudeau won't escalate it to this point but there's grounds that this constitutes a declaration of war.
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Know what Victorian Britain would have done for this?
Gunboat diplomacy: Took a Gunboat, and leveled a coastal town/city.

But modern countries just don't give a fuck about their subjects/citizens, so will just literally diplomatically object to it having happened.
Doom_Art posted...
Trudeau won't escalate it to this point but there's grounds that this constitutes a declaration of war.

i dont know about that, i think he tries his best to play both sides. Most indians in canada are singhs and not pats, so a lot favor khalistan, so he needs to appeal to punjabis

but he probably doesnt want a huge feud with india
Any surrey bois in CE?
With an election in the distance and the Liberals losing popularity, I don't think Trudeau can afford to keep the kid gloves on.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
Wedge_Antilles posted...
With an election in the distance and the Liberals losing popularity, I don't think Trudeau can afford to keep the kid gloves on.

what do you mean? What would taking the kid gloves off be
Know what Victorian Britain would have done for this?
Gunboat diplomacy: Took a Gunboat, and leveled a coastal town/city.

But modern countries just don't give a f*** about their subjects/citizens, so will just literally diplomatically object to it having happened.

MAYBE its because India has Nukes and we don't want to start off WW3?
Michael_Booth posted...
Know what Victorian Britain would have done for this?
Gunboat diplomacy: Took a Gunboat, and leveled a coastal town/city.

But modern countries just don't give a fuck about their subjects/citizens, so will just literally diplomatically object to it having happened.

Canada has spies in India too, you know that right.

and also leveling an entire city would start WW3
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
We need to sanction India. India is a authoritarian country with abhorrent human rights abuses.
Stop asking me if I'm Jessica Simpson. Jewish girls
Survivor is the greatest show EVER. are hawt
Michael_Booth posted...
Know what Victorian Britain would have done for this?
Gunboat diplomacy: Took a Gunboat, and leveled a coastal town/city.

But modern countries just don't give a fuck about their subjects/citizens, so will just literally diplomatically object to it having happened.
I don't agree with what India did, but what the actual fuck is wrong with you where you'd suggest wiping a small town of civilians off the map with a fucking gunboat? Fuck off.
Trudeau has his tail firmly between his legs, as he was thoroughly embarrassed by being largely ignored at the recent summit he attended in India. Then he couldn't even leave as the plane couldn't get off the ground.

Resident Shiny Hunter of CE
307 Shinys and counting!
I skimmed the comments on a youtube video of his speech and it was just filled with (bots?) saying how Canada fucked up and made an enemy of India, lol. By stating the fact that the Indian government sanctioned a hit of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Canada was making an enemy.

The world is so fucked. Seems like all the nuclear powers are just full of right wing nationalist reactionaries.
Has Poilievre blamed Trudeau yet?
Michael_Booth posted...
But modern countries just don't give a fuck about their subjects/citizens, so will just literally diplomatically object to it having happened.
Modern countries don't go to war at the drop of a hat, especially with nuclear powers.

MrMallard posted...
I don't agree with what India did, but what the actual fuck is wrong with you where you'd suggest wiping a small town of civilians off the map with a fucking gunboat? Fuck off.
Also that.

Saint posted...
Has Poilievre blamed Trudeau yet?
Wouldn't surprise me. Despite last week Canada being weak and a failure with India (gee I wonder why) I'm sure by next week Trudeau will have been in cahoots over it,

Wedge_Antilles posted...
With an election in the distance and the Liberals losing popularity, I don't think Trudeau can afford to keep the kid gloves on.
2 years and what can he actually do?

EyeWontBeFooled posted...
Trudeau has his tail firmly between his legs, as he was thoroughly embarrassed by being largely ignored at the recent summit he attended in India.
Ignored by who? The guy who had a Canadian assassinated? And Trudeau did bring it up with him, likely why he was even more pissed than usual.

River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
Hindu-Sikh strife, which Ramaswamy seems to want to import to the US. His attacks on Haley are about more than her name.
Putin delenda est
nexigrams posted...
I skimmed the comments on a youtube video of his speech and it was just filled with (bots?) saying how Canada fucked up and made an enemy of India, lol. By stating the fact that the Indian government sanctioned a hit of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil. Canada was making an enemy.

The world is so fucked. Seems like all the nuclear powers are just full of right wing nationalist reactionaries.

Indian "bots" are the worst.
I've read somewhere that 90% of anti-muslim posts in the internet comes from India, Russia, and China, with India accounted for 60% alone.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
Rob_Cesternino posted...
We need to sanction India. India is a authoritarian country with abhorrent human rights abuses.

The US (and west in general) doesnt find those things objectionable.
"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
Ricemills posted...
Indian "bots" are the worst.
I've read somewhere that 90% of anti-muslim posts in the internet comes from India, Russia, and China, with India accounted for 60% alone.

Wouldnt surprise me if 90% of internet traffic comes from Russia and China, period. Most internet traffic is spam, and those two have very rich histories of exporting scams and identity theft to dumb westerners.
"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
UndefeatedGOAT posted...
what do you mean? What would taking the kid gloves off be
Trudeau himself going undercover in India with a fake ID, wig, and glasses. Finding the people involved, sitting them down, and telling them to please knock that shit off.
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
Rob_Cesternino posted...
We need to sanction India. India is a authoritarian country with abhorrent human rights abuses.

Welcome to the Twilight Zone
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
Saint posted...
Has Poilievre blamed Trudeau yet?
Predictably, less than a day later conservatives are trying to score political points. Lots of far right types making excuses for India. Not surprising since Modi's government is connected to the right-wing IDU which is also connected to the Conservatives. The IDU's current leader being Harper, our former PM. It's gross.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
Wow I didn't know Harper was still around
Yeah he's been a busy far right beaver since he lost. Did some Prager U stuff for awhile I think. Now this BS.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
modi is an aspiring autocrat who does all manner of evil shit
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn .-Fubonis
And now all the right-wingers are trying to attack Trudeau over this because the Government came out and admitted they made this public this early because it was leaked to the media and the media was going to publish the story.

Meanwhile they are of course completely ignoring that India's over there acting like a totally innocent country would (/s) because they're obligated to defend any far-right shitheel leader that's bffs with Harper.
CSIS or whatever needs to get their shit together. There's some conservative employee leaking stories to Fife. Our foreign policy should not be dictated by a disgruntled partisan employee.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
Trudeau is a huge pussy, nothing will happen bc of this
"May the Father of Understanding guide you."
I dunno about nothing happening. Canadian visas are on hold.
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
CreekCo posted...
I dunno about nothing happening. Canadian visas are on hold.
Damn Canada is holding their own visas?
See profile pic
Irony posted...
Damn Canada is holding their own visas?

Uh no. India is.
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
Ah so Canada is doing nothing and therefore nothing is coming of it like was said.
See profile pic
Reading comprehension. Never mind.
It all returns to nothing
It just keeps tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. (NGE)
Complicated international relations are complicated.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'
Current Events » The Indian Government assassinated a Canadian citizen in Canada