$50 for every hour of your life you give up. Deal or no deal?

Current Events

Current Events » $50 for every hour of your life you give up. Deal or no deal?
Not a job paying $50/hr. You shave off time from the end of your life, with every hour depositing $50 in your bank account.

So if youre going to die at 80 and take 5 years off to die at 75, youll have $2,190,000 in the bank immediately, tax free.

But say youre destined to die in five years, youll get the money deposited and then die immediately. You have no way of knowing when youll actually die.

Deal or no deal?
1 billion dollars
See profile pic
Bruh that's $1,200 for a whole day of my life. That's nothing.
My Words Were True And Sheamus Made You Believe!
Also you can do whatever you want with the money. Invest it, blow it on hookers and blow, etc
Thats less than what I earn.
Bruh, 50 USD is worth a lot in Brazil. If I gave up a month of my life I'd get 108k Brazilian Reais. If I gave up a year I'd be a millionaire.

Come out and live with a community in a beautiful place out in the country
So 1 million for every 2.2 years? (20000 hours)

This is a tough one

I've already wasted the last 5 years of my life.
I do drawings and stuff
a year is 438k sure
69 billion dollars
My maid will hear about this.
And potentially lose out on the things I want to see invented? No deal.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
Sure. Being an old man will probably be boring as shit anyway might as well live the good life now.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
Does this affect my aging? Or does it just bump my natural cause and/or fated death up without influencing my actual health in anyway?
I post clips of my cool, stupid and glitchy MH Sunbreak and Tears of the Kingdom gameplay here just for fun.
Most people are already giving up hours for far less than that. It is called work.
This is trading end of life years for immediate money in my healthiest years. Based on family history of longevity and barring accidents, I would surely give up 5 years in my 80s for $2.19 million tax free in 2023. I'm good at investing too, I'd only have to work again if I wanted. For like at least 40 more years too (barring accidents), no brainer for me.
LAL - PSN: Deuce-Cuatro - @DeuceCuatroD2
Current Events » $50 for every hour of your life you give up. Deal or no deal?