The Marvels ends it's box office run at under $200 million

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Current Events » The Marvels ends it's box office run at under $200 million
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
I knew it flopping was likely but I didn't think it would be this bad damn
A Fallen Mascot
Expected but it's still weird how so many incels seem invigorated by this news.
Let's all please just get along.
Fucking yikes. I've been meaning to see it but just couldn't bring myself to the theaters over the past couple of weeks.
I have nothing else to say
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Marvels still playing in theaters. Disney is just going to stop reporting the overseas numbers since they have been so embarassing..
Shame, its honestly one of the best post-Infinity Saga MCU movies.
No. I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine Augustus-flavored chocolate-coated Gloop? Eww. No one would buy it.
None of the normies know who Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle or Green Arrow etc are. Only the comic fans know them and even amongst comic fans, they are not that popular.

We were only forced to watch the first Captain Marvel movie because they shoehorned her in between Infinity War and Endgame.

Load me into the matrix and dont pull the plug
We won boys! We're going to FEAST good tonight.
I acknowledge my Tribal Chief! I love my Tribal Chief!
Cobra1010 posted...
None of the normies know who Captain Marvel, Blue Beetle or Green Arrow etc are. Only the comic fans know them and even amongst comic fans, they are not that popular.

Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?

realnifty1 posted...
Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?
Those were good.
realnifty1 posted...
Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?
The MCU hadnt yet blown its figurative load with Endgame.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Hmmm, it wasnt even the worst mcu movie of the year
realnifty1 posted...
Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?
Or ant man. Or Dr strange.

Even Shang Chi did better.

The reality? Marvel has no idea what it's doing anymore.
Aloc will now post in PG or try
mid, just like most of what marvel has shit out since Endgame
I think the days of the MCU releasing a movie for any hero and it being a success is done.

Thunderbolts and Captain America 4 will probably also bomb bad.
A Fallen Mascot
Its a shame because the Ms Marvel actress has probably the biggest passion for Marvel out of any actor in the franchise. She actually reads the comics and was huge into Marvel before she even got the part
Aloc posted...

The reality? Marvel has no idea what it's doing anymore.

Why would Kevin Feige suddenly forget how to make good movies?
people who car cars a whip are so cringe
lilORANG posted...
Expected but it's still weird how so many incels seem invigorated by this news.
It's not just incels, though. A lot of people were really 'meh' on the character in general, and it's got nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman and everything to do with the fact that her movie is lame.

I think it's a bit of rubber banding from Captain Marvel making a billion dollars and a bunch of people trying to act like it's because people liked her/liked the movie in general, and not just because of Endgame hype.

Without being propped up between two gargantuan Avengers movies, Captain Marvel just isn't worth much at the box office.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Euripides posted...
Why would Kevin Feige suddenly forget how to make good movies?

Executive interference?
DarkAssassin89 posted...
Executive interference?

He's IS the executive
people who car cars a whip are so cringe
Euripides posted...
Why would Kevin Feige suddenly forget how to make good movies?

The MCU has loads of kay' movies.

It's not that these recent movies are more terrible compared to what we got before. It's just that the kay' movies aren't good enough anymore when we're 30 movies deep. Okay movies are samey and people are bored of them.

I do think they've done a worst job of following up on loose ends though. There's no reason Captain Marvel should have took 4 years to get a sequel. There's no reason a Shang-Chi 2 shouldn't be imminent.

Follow ups to Iron Man, Captain America and Thor didn't take all that long.
A Fallen Mascot
Was reading it's like the worst release to date for the whole MCU.

I thought it was quite enjoyable, so that's a shame.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Gobstoppers12 posted...
It's not just incels, though. A lot of people were really 'meh' on the character in general, and it's got nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman and everything to do with the fact that her movie is lame.

I think it's a bit of rubber banding from Captain Marvel making a billion dollars and a bunch of people trying to act like it's because people liked her/liked the movie in general, and not just because of Endgame hype.

Without being propped up between two gargantuan Avengers movies, Captain Marvel just isn't worth much at the box office.
People not being interested in the movie is fine and understandable. People being giddy that it is a flop are all incel losers.
Let's all please just get along.
Based, hope this marks the beginning of the end for the mcu. Whatever sparks of creativity are clearly long gone, the fact that Disney thought people would continue showing up for this stuff despite the clear drop in quality is insane to me.
lilORANG posted...
People not being interested in the movie is fine and understandable. People being giddy that it is a flop are all incel losers.
Personally? I'm glad this movie is a flop because I'm sick of the MCU spam and want to see the movies in general scaled back in releases.
Heavy weight, one more stone...
lilORANG posted...
People being giddy that it is a flop are all
Harsh words, and inaccurate. Some people are glad to see their assessment proven right, because people were remarkably smug about Captain Marvel's box office performance.

Some people legitimately thought the character/actress herself drew all that money in without any reliance on Endgame hype.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Harsh words, and inaccurate. Some people are glad to see their assessment proven right, because people were remarkably smug about Captain Marvel's box office performance.

Some people legitimately thought the character/actress herself drew all that money in without any reliance on Endgame hype.

I mean it's a factor.

But this wasn't a Captain Marvel 2. It was a weird crossover called The Marvels that marketed itself on body swapping.

We have no idea how a traditional Captain Marvel sequel would have done in comparison. It's probably safe to say it would have at least done better than this.

It's up to Disney to figure out why people went to Captain Marvel and not this. If it's solely because of ndgame hype' then they're pretty fucked as they ain't gonna be replicating that anytime soon.
A Fallen Mascot
realnifty1 posted...
Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?

Guardians of the Galaxy had a couple of gimmicks to hook people. It had a raccoon with a gun, it had a talking tree, it had a pro wrestler, and it had Chris Pratt when he was just starting to become a major Hollywood player. It was also done when most superheroes were people that audiences had heard of. And Guardians of the Galaxy expanded the Marvel Universe literally by taking people to different galaxies and show that it contained innumerous lifeforms and cultures.

It's like everybody trying to do a "special effects first" film to capitalize on the success of Avatar. The first time the audience sees a rabbit pulled out of a hat, they're in awe of it. The second or sixth time they've seen it, it's just another example of somebody pulling a rabbit out of their hat.
It's not really anything The Marvels did or didn't do. The superhero genre is oversaturated right now.

When X-Men drops in 2025, it might be the magnet that pulls audiences into the theaters or it might underperform because audiences are looking for something other than superheroes at this point. I could see it going either way. But to offer more characters that most audiences didn't grow up with? I think we're all tired of searching for the next Guardians of the Galaxy.
Hope this is the end of this shit
If the choice is not seeing your movie or spending 16 hours of homework to see it, audiences just won't see your movie.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
mystic_belmont posted...
If the choice is not seeing your movie or spending 16 hours of homework to see it, audiences just won't see your movie.

What Disney+ series did people need to see to enjoy this movie?
Deadpool 3 will probably bring people back in, but I don't see Captain America 4 or Thunderbolts doing well at all. Budget has to be astronomical for the former with all the rewrites and stuff.
Believing that Disney movies are for families is akin to buying into Nazi propaganda- LoyalToTheGame
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
FortuneCookie posted...
What Disney+ series did people need to see to enjoy this movie?
Two of the three main characters have only appeared in Disney+ shows until now.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
FortuneCookie posted...
What Disney+ series did people need to see to enjoy this movie?

Wandavision for Spectrum, Ms. Marvel for Ms. Marvel.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
I don't watch movies nor do I like Marvel so I am neutral in this. But holy fuck how do you have the lowest opening ever, and then the lowest drop ever.

You would think if you start low, it can't get much lower but it cratered.
~Bird Pokemon Master~
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Gobstoppers12 posted...
I think it's a bit of rubber banding from Captain Marvel making a billion dollars and a bunch of people trying to act like it's because people liked her/liked the movie in general, and not just because of Endgame hype.
Captain Marvel's debut film being so successful due to Endgame hype is definitely the majority of the reason especially when you consider the fact that Infinity War literally ends with Nick Fury calling Captain Marvel in the post-credits.

Captain Marvel was a "MUST SEE", and it worked. You had to know who she was for any of her parts in Endgame to hit you. The movie goes on with the expectation that you already know.
VFalcone, one of many
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Two of the three main characters have only appeared in Disney+ shows until now.

That's lousy.

mystic_belmont posted...
Wandavision for Spectrum, Ms. Marvel for Ms. Marvel.

Also I must say it is incredibly lame to have characters named Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel and name themselves the Marvels, while your company is called Marvel. It makes me think that the company will forget who made the characters if they don't name them after the company.
~Bird Pokemon Master~
Latest Pickup: adidas x Jeremy Scott Wings 4.0
realnifty1 posted...
Explain Guardians of the Galaxy then?
Good word of mouth, wasn't it? It's why I eventually watched it. And that and the sequels went on to be my favorite part of the MCU.
SF_Okami posted...
Also I must say it is incredibly lame to have characters named Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel and name themselves the Marvels, while your company is called Marvel. It makes me think that the company will forget who made the characters if they don't name them after the company.

I hope if ever they bring back RDJ they go the route of Dr. Who. Dial the woke up to 11. Utterly destroy Ironman.
Time to dive into the fireworks!
AltAccount3 posted...
Captain Marvel's debut film being so successful due to Endgame hype is definitely the majority of the reason especially when you consider the fact that Infinity War literally ends with Nick Fury calling Captain Marvel in the post-credits.

Captain Marvel was a "MUST SEE", and it worked. You had to know who she was for any of her parts in Endgame to hit you. The movie goes on with the expectation that you already know.

Man these movies used to do such a better job with the post-credits scenes in general. That set up Captain Marvel as a big deal and she did fuck all between Endgame and Marvels.
A Fallen Mascot
SaikyoStyle posted...
The MCU hadnt yet blown its figurative load with Endgame.

Solution_45 posted...
mid, just like most of what marvel has shit out since Endgame

Aloc posted...
The reality? Marvel has no idea what it's doing anymore.

This. Its a zombie franchise at this point. To go with SaiykoStyles analogy, its been in refractory period since Endgame.
lilORANG posted...
People being giddy that it is a flop are all incel losers.

Personally, I think that's a silly assessment. Are some of the people happy it's a flop based purely on malice/ignorance? Sure. But there could be some people who dislike the direction the recent stream of movies have gone in and are happy they've flopped so hard *because* they're fans and want the franchise to return to good form.

An example I like to use is World of Warcraft. I was a huge fan of the game having played it since 07. But something happened at some point (I feel around 2010 is when the decline happened, personally) and the game took a nosedive because the developers forgot why the game was successful in the first place and started making weird design choices. It wasn't until the infamous "you think you do but you don't" where a dev openly laughed at a player asking for a classic server (basically a server with the original base game and none of the expansions) but years later when a classic server eventually did come out, it did extremely well and the devs were like "oh crap, people actually DID want this. Maybe a lot of people actually DID leave the game because of the design choices and not because they suddenly don't have free time or stopped liking MMOs" and now the most recent expansion is actually pretty good and subscriber retention is at an all-time high.

The point of my anecdote is that during the time the game was at a decline, I was still a fan but also a major detractor because I loved the game and wanted it to be good again. So maybe the people happy The Marvels flopped are the same and not necessarily being malicious about it? /shrug
"Well, maybe the Dirt Dragon should have thought about that before taking over the opera house." - Lord_Bob_Bree
The first Captain Marvel movie was whack and the Ms. Marvel TV show was mid. I am waiting for the Disney + release because I had 0 hype and I can see how the non-comic fans aren't trying to drag their friends to the theater in droves when even heavy hitters like Thor are being underwhelming.

Dr. Strange and GotG succeeded without terribly popular actors and being relatively unknown heroes because they were good movies which gave people faith that any Marvel movie was worth seeing. That faith is gone.
Current Events » The Marvels ends it's box office run at under $200 million
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