I'm 28, make less than 50k, and have no retirement savings

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Glob posted...
I have asked you in multiple other topics, but then you just never post in them again.

I tend to post late at night, then go to bed, and since this board moves so quickly the topic could easily be on page 10 by the time I wake up. I simply forget.

Glob posted...
While I can understand that your situation is frustrating, I dont think its fair to compare it to racism. Yes, its true that you cant go back and change the past, but can you honestly say that your choices have not played any part whatsoever in both you being out of work for a long time and having a criminal record? Because nobody gets to choose their skin colour.

Regardless, "you should have thought of that before [x]" is not constructive. And if rehabilitation is to be possible, the past needs to be left there and not allowed to be dredged up against you.

Glob posted...
I can also see that some convictions and some jobs are simply not compatible at all. I have no problem with my employer insisting on none of the staff having a criminal record for instance, as it becomes a safeguarding and liability issue because we work with children.

Of course. Workplaces that work with vulnerable people have a right to be wary of that. Warehouse hiring managers on the other hand do not. Unless your record is "stealing from your employer" or something actually relevant, it shouldn't even be legal to ask.

The only conclusion I can make, since my problems were ongoing for years even before the criminal record, is that employers just somehow know by reading my name that I'm a waste of space. Which would be fine, but I still need to eat. This is why I get angry at people who say "suicide is never the answer." Speak for yourself. People like me have fucking good and demonstrable reason to just cut things short. Nothing to lose, and no one would care.