I'm 28, make less than 50k, and have no retirement savings

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Dark_Arbron posted...
When you send your resume via email and they don't even acknowledge it, that isn't because they saw you and figured you not having "worked on yourself enough." You had no agency in their decision. They know nothing about you as a person when choosing to delete your resume without even opening it.

"Taking" a job would be them giving you an unpaid day or two and seeing if you perform well. That would give you some actual agency over their decision.

Sounds like a privileged position to me. I wasn't born with such capabilities. I'm bottom tier trash so that isn't really an option.

Also, the fact that discrimination is legal doesn't help. It's already too late for me. I was the moment I was born really, but discriminatory factors since then have made it even worse. And I don't mean discrimination as in "picking the better candidate." I mean discrimination on grounds that should not be legal.

Look... I started out stocking shelves at Walmart for $8 an hour, now i make about $130K a year... stocking shelves. What Glob said is exactly what I did: Build myself up within my career field, got a rep for my ability, and then I took the job I have now when it became available,and over the years I stayed consistent and kept building on my success.

I don't want to hear anything about luck, etc., as luck is a factor in *everything* in your life, so that's no excuse. The only "lucky" thing about me is that I was there when the opportunities presented themselves -- but I made sure to be open and available to any opportunities at all times, as well. Hardwork not paying off is a myth, all that matters is how tenacious and ambitious you are. I've failed many a time before where I'm at now, too.