I'm 28, make less than 50k, and have no retirement savings

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Im 35, and while I do have money in the bank, I only make like $36,000 a year.

I wasted so much time working at a shitty low paying job because it was StEaDy WoRk AnD hAd GoOd BeNeFiTs and Im so freaking far behind lol. I cant afford further education (I only have an associates degree) and honestly I dont even know what Id go for. Like, what would be worth the time, money, and energy / stress / frustration that would lead to a well-enough paying job that would also meet my schedule and commute needs.

I sure as hell deserve better than what Ive got. I just dont know how to achieve it.
Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die