I'm 28, make less than 50k, and have no retirement savings

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I got bailed out by a fairly fat inheritance. It's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, including investment funds I inherited that are doing very well.

If you got kids, be sure to leave them something because they're going to need it as future generations are going to have an even tougher time than we did.

I've got most of my inheritance tied up in investments, and that's more than enough for retirement. I'm busy consolidating my investments into municipal bonds, and S&P 500 index funds.

My house is paid for, I drive a 2022 dodge ram, it's paid for, my bank account is fat, my investments are fat. To be perfectly honest, I could just work a part time job to cover my living expenses until retirement age. You could also leave your kids or nieces/nephews in a similar position when the time comes.