Felt nostalgic so I'm driving around my hometown in 2011 on Google Maps

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Current Events » Felt nostalgic so I'm driving around my hometown in 2011 on Google Maps
Streetview is neat.

I still live in the same city but on the other side of town. I still go over to the area I grew up in occasionally so it's crazy seeing how different things are now. Shops/restaurants I used to go to that have since gone out of business, friends' cars parked outside their houses, etc.

I even see one of my friends out in his yard but his face is blurred lol
lol, i did something similar a few weeks ago. I went through street view to where I currently live (lived here for 20+ years) and on streetview it said that the photos were from 2011 for whatever reason and I had a bit of nostalgia remembering all the businesses that I forgot about that was here during that time period. Damn
i7-3970X Extreme ~ Asus Rampage IV Extreme ~ 32 GB DDR3-2133 ~ 10 TB 7200RPM ~ 500 GB SSD ~ 690 x2 ~ 1200 W PSU Gold ~
I found my car! Can't see myself in it though but it's definitely mine.
I do this as a fun passtime. I like looking at new restaurants food pictures too.
I'm surrounded
I wish these went back to the 2000s, 90s, and before
Yes it's true.
I am happy to be stuck with you.
Damn_Underscore posted...
I wish these went back to the 2000s, 90s, and before
Me, too.

But I have used Google maps to see what places look like now that I lived in 40 or 50 years ago. It makes me feel sad to see everything changed. Not a single school (out of 8) that I attended is still the same. The only building that is basically the same (with a few changes) was my middle school but is now an elementary school instead.

It is fascinating, even addicting to do, but yeah . . . it just leaves me feeling "out of sorts."
Yeah Id love to do my area in the 90s.
A garbage pod!? It's a smegging garbage pod!
Damn_Underscore posted...
I wish these went back to the 2000s, 90s, and before

Some parts of the town have streetview images in 2007 and 2009 as well. A lot blurrier but can mostly make stuff out

Google Earth (desktop version) has a History feature where you can go back and see really old satellite imagery (maybe it's airplane camera imagery? Not sure how the hell they got some of this stuff from like 1950 (edit: nvm, it goes back to 1985 in my area so probably satellites at that point) >_>)
Current Events » Felt nostalgic so I'm driving around my hometown in 2011 on Google Maps