British food is the worst

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Current Events » British food is the worst
German food is the wurst.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
pinky0926 posted...
If you live in a hub city like london, manchester or edinburgh then you won't experience this. Go out into the country or a town in the north and you'll see it everywhere.

My office is in a relatively remote suburban/country town. People can be really weird about "posh" food, in the same way that brits in general are averse to posh-anything. It's another way the class wars manifest.

Hell maybe it's even worse in scotland

Im a city boy. Always have been.
Were_Wyrm posted...
German food is the wurst.

Love the pun! That said schnitzel is pretty damn good so I definitely put German food above British.
Beats Indian food
This is a cool sig
Chadawah posted...
My wife is Brazilian and when she cooks we are having rice and beans with everything. Steak, potato, salad, rice and beans. Hamburger, fries, rice and beans.
Sounds like my Puerto Rican mama, red beans and rice with many things.
GEKGanon posted...
Beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes are a typical breakfast? No.

Add some eggs in there, and you've got a good breakfast going fam.

Also, y'all acting like huevos rancheros, which has beans, isn't a typical breakfast for some.
haters gonna hate
pinky0926 posted...
I sense my UK brethren are gonna be up in arms about this but frankly I agree.

The issue isn't that good food doesn't exist in the UK. Of course it does. And good food culture exists too of course, if you look for it.

The issue is that - historically and in a general culture sense -brits are ANTI food culture. Like we are collectively embarrassed about good food.

We are probably the only country in the world where you take something nice and homemade into the office and someone calls you a tosser for it. Like la di da, look at Mr fancy pants over here with his sourdough bread.

Yeah, people really get like this. I've stopped talking about what I make for lunch because I'm tired of being called a wanker because my lunch isn't a 3 microwave ready meal from tescos.
Kind of, yeah.

If you like anything beyond basic in a lot of categories, expect to be deemed posh or pretentious. Like people are proud of eating/watching/listening to junk and view anything else with suspicion (and/or as a sign of being gay).

The French have more sense.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Even Sir Terry Pratchett made fun of British "cuisine" in his Discworld books.

Are you going to disagree with the quintessential Brit?
"If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be destroyed...I must simply laugh!!."- Magus
ai123 posted...
Pfft. That's not even a Greggs. That's a superior sausage roll from somewhere like Waitrose or M&S.

For you, it was a luxury item fit for only the most superior of Brits.

For us, it was a Tuesday, and those gross sausage rolls were the kind of thing we'd feed our dogs.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
emblem-man posted...
Also, y'all acting like huevos rancheros, which has beans, isn't a typical breakfast for some. Or in other Latin American dishes

You guys going on and on about beans in Latino breakfasts have clearly never had the sugary ketchupy prison food gruel that the British call baked beans.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Current Events » British food is the worst
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