School bans mom from dropping her child in a vehicle that promotes her of page

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As has been explained - sex/nudity shouldnt be as stigmatized. But PORN is incredibly damaging to the development of what a healthy sexual relationship is to a developing adolescent.

having said that; this is absolutely tacky as fuck and I agree with the school, especially a catholic school, putting their foot down on this.

her plan was to garner more easy business, probably not for kids, but for the dads/parents who drop their kids off.

and solution is very simple. Cover the decal during drop off, or remove it and get a fucking car magnet or something that can be slapped back on after drop off. Alas, thats too difficult.

but I do love the part where shes saying the school has made drop off too dangerous for her kids and the SCHOOL should accommodate her kids by getting them to school safely. - Super Bowl XXI/XXV/XLII/XLVI Champions - NY Giants
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