How do people not drink at least a gallon of water a day

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I feel like a dork talking about Fahrenheit. Is Philly are shit. Heh I mean is I think the USA is the only place that uses F. Canada certainly doesn't.

I am starting think because of wars. The USA came up with their own systems which that is original. But is often to stubborn to change. Plus when it is embedded in society that is difficult. But you can decide that.......

Well back to my story, I really had to go because I told my older brother and friends I was going to piss in the car or out the door somehow. I offered a convenience clerk store 20 dollars. Because I knew he had bathroom somewhere but he turned me down. What? How.

Eventually they found a construction site with a portable poddy. And I think we all it did there.
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show