Whats the point of discussing any politics?

Current Events

CSCA33 posted...
Providing a platform for hate

I would again refer you back to the holocaust example and why that is not appropriate to present "both sides" as if they are equal, and the same can be said about this side presenting hateful bigotry as a debate with a valid side. There is no merit to it. They might as well have a pro/con debate about owning slaves in the US civil war era. But again this is about what is socially acceptable and culturally relevant, and that is a problem which needs to be addressed.

Im not having a strawman debate with you, nor am i being a spokesperson for that site. They are probably going to be objective with some stances, like with the holocaust, and not allow discussion on it as if it were debateable, same goes with slave ownership. If you've got a problem with them allowing debate on abortion, then take it up with them, not me.