Whats the point of discussing any politics?

Current Events

Deutschenlied posted...
You can keep your sarcasm. There is no middle ground on LGBTQ rights

And it's funny. For all the talks about looking at the enlightening middle ground, there is this recurring matter of Freedom of Speech being absolute.

1. In the first place rights for people of different gender, race and/or sexual is different than voting for which pizza to order or what movie to put on.

Second, general formality and rule is not interrupting people when they talk, especially:
- Parents or other elders.

- Meeting or class when a speaker or teacher is talking.

- The library.

But if there is an emergency prompting disruption no one is going to begrudge you for interrupting.

So yeah why is it that Freedom of Speech isn't afforded such situations.

2. And if thought policing is dangerous, shouldn't identity policing also be regarded as dangerous.

Besides how being black isn't harmful, I wasn't aware of a person having control over their birth.

Also a trend. Now I am definitely willing to consider that a person can be falsely accused of bigotry when they aren't, but the Right seem to take that line of thought to insist that bigotry of old is ancient history or that it diminished enough that we don't need to deal with it.

Basically the side professing that emotions have no place when dealing in logic.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.