Why is the N word being so casually used by people now?

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Current Events » Why is the N word being so casually used by people now?
I've had the misfortune of being around a younger crowd lately and it's always "N-word what!" or "N-word you crazy" or "N-word please"

and its a bunch of white and hispanic people, in their late teens or early twenties.

at first I thought maybe this group was just the exception, but I started watching streamers on those omegle-like sites and almost every person they meet on there just casually drops the N word in casual conversation.

I finally feel like I don't understand youth anymore.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
Some people are just Nutty you know.
Bruh it's been a thing forever. You ever watch The Boondocks? White people trying to be gangsta will never go away >_>
https://imgur.com/aMaI3hj https://imgur.com/7PsdJNc
https://imgur.com/eK8vZVn https://imgur.com/u2HR4nG https://imgur.com/nQGM5cZ
This has been going on forever. Teens always have a high percentage of edgelords.

When I was in high school 2 students (one black, one white) constantly called each other slurs as a joke to make some other people uncomfortable.
We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
What, really? I'd seen just the opposite: It disappeared from common use, whereas when I was young, everyone used it, including for and from me.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
It's just jarring. You go on sites like this or twitter or reddit and people on there declare that anyone who says the N word is basically human scum. Yet the younger generation seems to have adopted it into their everyday vocabulary.

When I was a kid I got yelled at just for saying chicken nuggets once because someone misheard me. It traumatized me and I made doubly sure to never say any slurs in my life. But I don't want to be the boomer who says "kids these days" so I dunno what to think.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
Who's alt is this?
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GiggetySplicer posted...
Probably depends on where you live
Northern Cali
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
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ExistentialFear posted...
It's just jarring. You go on sites like this or twitter or reddit and people on there declare that anyone who says the N word is basically human scum. Yet the younger generation seems to have adopted it into their everyday vocabulary.

The internet isn't real life.
Ninja plz
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Hornswoggled posted...
The internet isn't real life.
Also this
https://imgur.com/aMaI3hj https://imgur.com/7PsdJNc
https://imgur.com/eK8vZVn https://imgur.com/u2HR4nG https://imgur.com/nQGM5cZ
Dont like it at all

Dont like people using the f slur either
Go eat a pancake
I noticed this with my cousin's kids. Saw her daughter on facebook using the word talking to her white and black friends (she's white).

I was like when I was in school that wouldn't fly at all
This is where cool people write stuff.
Hornswoggled posted...
The internet isn't real life.
I don't really get this. How is it not? Every post is made by a real human who is in real life.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
ExistentialFear posted...
Northern Cali
yea, it's really racially integrated in NorCal, especially in places like Sacramento, and it's common here.

I'm a millennial, though, so I don't hear it as much from white people, but people from every other race say it.

Hornswoggled posted...
The internet isn't real life.

at this point, it is, tbh.
Don't you agree, Zach?
ExistentialFear posted...
I don't really get this. How is it not? Every post is made by a real human who is in real life.

They are in real life, but they are not participating in real life. Or, as the kids say, they do not touch grass.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
I've not heard it used any more or less frequently by black people, and white people use it way less.

Although I have noticed the R word is being used a lot more frequently for some reason.
...I think I'm done here...
Hayame_Zero posted...
I've not heard it used any more frequently by black people, and white people use it way less.

Although I have noticed the R word is being used a lot more frequently for some reason.
I think the R word is fine because no one medically refers to disabled or mentally handicapped people as the R word anymore. So who is it being offensive to when we use it?
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
ExistentialFear posted...
I don't really get this. How is it not? Every post is made by a real human who is in real life.
Not really... Twitter is like 80% bots.

That said, a lot of posts by randoms on twitter has the n-word, and the chances of most of them being black is probably very low.
ExistentialFear posted...
I think the R word is fine because no one medically refers to disabled or mentally handicapped people as the R word anymore. So who is it being offensive to when we use it?
Jesus fucking Christ.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
ExistentialFear posted...
I think the R word is fine because no one medically refers to disabled or mentally handicapped people as the R word anymore. So who is it being offensive to when we use it?
whomever it offends

how do u guys keep up with all these obviously stirring shit alts
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
DrizztLink posted...
Jesus fucking Christ.
It's fine to disagree. Was merely stating an opinion.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
DrizztLink posted...
Jesus fucking Christ.

No, no, it has a logic. Let him cook.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
in the south especially its part of normal lexicon in younger folks due to it being part of accepted AAVE
What the **** is Jumpstyle?
Grandpa, what's an omegle?
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
I'd prefer the word to dissappear all together. Including us black people not using the word.
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Post #33 was unavailable or deleted.
Not to be a grandpa but it's younger kids. They don't gaf whatsoever about using it. If you're offended, you're an idiot. Edit: To them, I mean. The next generations coming up are hilariously anti-PC/cancel culture and that'll backfire so badly lol.
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
User Info: ExistentialFear
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  2. User Since: Jul 2023
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Post #23 makes this incredibly relevant.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
ExistentialFear posted...
I've had the misfortune of being around a younger crowd lately and it's always "N-word what!" or "N-word you crazy" or "N-word please"

and its a bunch of white and hispanic people, in their late teens or early twenties.

at first I thought maybe this group was just the exception, but I started watching streamers on those omegle-like sites and almost every person they meet on there just casually drops the N word in casual conversation.

I finally feel like I don't understand youth anymore.

your answer is in bold. All it is is young idiots who youre fortunate to not be around much, these guys have always existed.
*runs out of topic naked*
Probably because everyone gets called prejudice whenever they speak about politics these days, which means most of the labels thrown at people mean nothing now.
Switch | Series X | PS5
all fun and games until someone cracks that jaw
There's a time and place for everything... but not now.
Here we go again. So how many years do I have to wait before I can actually have a conversation in here without everyone accusing me of being a troll/alt/falseflagger?

Same stupid shit is why I left this place last time. I post an opinion and you all lose your fucking minds.

Last time I was here I tried to say I didn't believe in the death penalty and people freaked. This place is closed minded as hell.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
It was like this when we were kids, too. You just forget?
Rap was a mistake
Life feels like one big gamble and I'm losing every bet.
ExistentialFear posted...
Here we go again. So how many years do I have to wait before I can actually have a conversation in here without everyone accusing me of being a troll/alt/falseflagger?

Same stupid shit is why I left this place last time. I post an opinion and you all lose your fucking minds.

Your "opinion" is that you want to be able to call people the R word.

Should've stayed gone.
#SEP #Awesome #Excellent #Greatness #SteveNash #VitaminWater #SmellingLikeTheVault #Pigeon #Sexy #ActuallyAVeryIntelligentVelociraptor #Heel #CoolSpot #EndOfSig
HashtagSEP posted...
Your "opinion" is that you want to be able to call people the R word.

Should've stayed gone.
Way to put words in my mouth. Quote me where I said I want to call people the R word.

All I stated was that I don't think it's a problem because the R word does not refer to any marginalized group anymore.

But I guess that's too much thinking for you guys.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
ExistentialFear posted...
Here we go again. So how many years do I have to wait before I can actually have a conversation in here without everyone accusing me of being a troll/alt/falseflagger?

Same stupid shit is why I left this place last time. I post an opinion and you all lose your fucking minds.

CE is incredibly sensitive. Despite also getting a huge influx of the Politics board trolls, it is still a smaller community than you'd think. There are a ton of alts, bit character accounts (there are a few in this thread) and so on.

Like I said in my reply, it's the younger generation growing up. As they often do, they're against the established order of things and are reversing course on a lot of PC, cancel culture, sensitivity conditioning and so forth. Anti corporate, hustle culture, blah blah blah. "You can't say that" is the #1 way to get any youthful generation to say it and I've heard it described by my 13-16 year old nieces/newphews that they avoid the boxes at all cost because of how burnt out, sad, tired and haggard they see the millenials and x'ers are.

So, they'll use the N word with their friend group. They don't care what anyone out of their friend group thinks. Period.
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
In my opinion nobody should be saying this word. And I mean nobody. It is a very evil word.
C-zom posted...
Like I said in my reply, it's the younger generation growing up. As they often do, they're against the established order of things and are reversing course on a lot of PC, cancel culture, sensitivity conditioning and so forth. Anti corporate, hustle culture, blah blah blah.
I was actually thinking about this earlier. Everything always seems to come full circle.

We go through an offensive era which created a politically correct era, and the people who grew up in the PC era are now desiring more risky/offensive things again.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
ExistentialFear posted...
I was actually thinking about this earlier. Everything always seems to come full circle.

We go through an offensive era which created a politically correct era, and the people who grew up in the PC era are now desiring more risky/offensive things again.

Exactly. You're seeing a rise in popularity for violent/extreme rap again with lyrics that read as straight confessions for murder, assault, etc. Like how it was decades ago before it tampered off. A disregard for corporate mindsets or the work grind -- calling out all the time, taking classes off to focus on mental health or just to hang with friends.

I could list a dozen more examples of the societal shift I've seen the youth of today advocating for. They tend to be more pragmatic, inwardly focused, and are vehemently against burnout culture to just survive. They also thrive in decentralized jobs or creative endeavors. A group of their closest friends or family has infinitely more value to their morals than what their boss says, and they'd quit a job at the drop of a hat for stuff more aged generations would roll over for. Stay late? No chance. Close and then open tomorrow? Isn't happening. Etc.
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
ExistentialFear posted...
I was actually thinking about this earlier. Everything always seems to come full circle.

We go through an offensive era which created a politically correct era, and the people who grew up in the PC era are now desiring more risky/offensive things again.

And ironically like they're challenging the pro-censorship people into fighting harder instead of demonstrating why such concerns are needless.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
C-zom posted...
Exactly. You're seeing a rise in popularity for violent/extreme rap again with lyrics that read as straight confessions for murder, assault, etc. Like how it was decades ago before it tampered off. A disregard for corporate mindsets or the work grind -- calling out all the time, taking classes off to focus on mental health or just to hang with friends.

I could list a dozen more examples of the societal shift I've seen the youth of today advocating for. They tend to be more pragmatic, inwardly focused, and are vehemently against burnout culture to just survive. They also thrive in decentralized jobs or creative endeavors. A group of their closest friends or family has infinitely more value to their morals than what their boss says, and they'd quit a job at the drop of a hat for stuff more aged generations would roll over for. Stay late? No chance. Close and then open tomorrow? Isn't happening. Etc.
Do you think this societal shift will cause major changes in our political climate one of these days? If people are becoming more inwardly focused and against burnout culture maybe it'll give rise to some political figures who actually want to change things for the better.

Or maybe corporations and their money will keep politicians corrupt no matter what generation takes hold.
Throughout Heaven and Earth, I alone am the Honored One.
ExistentialFear posted...
Do you think this societal shift will cause major changes in our political climate one of these days? If people are becoming more inwardly focused and against burnout culture maybe it'll give rise to some political figures who actually want to change things for the better.

Or maybe corporations and their money will keep politicians corrupt no matter what generation takes hold.

Corporations are tone deaf to the issue currently and are instead trying their best to drown out the white noise of a lack of a workforce with price hikes, automation, self checkout, reduced store hours and other tricks to balance the books. Retention rate for 21 and under employees is skyrocketing because they simply do not see the value in all the things we've talked about. Unlivable minimum wage, 40 hours being considered too much, no work/life balance, erratic scheduling. Stuff they've gotten away with relatively painlessly for decades is coming around full circle.

I think we're going to see a few wolves in sheep clothing companies that try to rebrand, much like how Starbucks did in the early to mid 2000s-2010s. But politically everyone gets their turn when it's too late. Boomers will be out of the game in twenty years, that will be when x'ers are the predominant aged governency. And they have some draconian, conservative (not the political kind) values bubbling underneath. In forty years we'll see millenials and x'ers at bat with each other, and if the Z and A generations ever get out of grassroot formations it'll be anti-order.

To wrap up your question, the most prominent example of their banded causes might be a rise in popularity of "third party" choices in the West. Whether they get elected or not is another thing, but the illusion of more choice could pacify them. I've been hearing that a lot in political discussions these last few years.
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
Current Events » Why is the N word being so casually used by people now?
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