I've never dated or slept with a woman...

Current Events

I'm in the same boat TC, though I never really gave it an attempt. I have trust issues from all the bullying I've received when I was young that made it hard for me to trust anyone. In my 34 years of living I've only had 1 friend in life and it took them literal years to try and talk to me and get me to open up to them lol.

Plus I'm not the type of person who tries to talk to someone just because they're attractive. Like just because you're attractive doesn't mean that I want to talk to you or want to sleep with you. And speaking about sleeping with others another factor why I never dated anyone is because I never craved sex, and I'm not a very sexual person. Whenever I'm horny I just jerk off and that has always been enough to satisfy me, lol. So why bother involving another person when I can satisfy myself? >_>

At this point if I ever get a girl it would be a miracle because I don't really want new friends and I'm not a sexual person so what's the point for both parties involved? That miracle girl would need to go through massive hoops for us to be together, would need to have some patience and wait for me to open up/trust them and that could take years. Would need to maintain being sexually attractive to me throughout all this whole time since it's not going to be easy for me to maintain that kind of thing

I wouldn't blame anyone in that situation to leave me for someone who will put an actual effort lol

At this point I'm more in a need of actual friends than a girl
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